It Made Me Think Of Him

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A/N- this isn't a long chapter just a little fluff between dog-   godfather and godson.

Yule came around and Harry returned to the Gaunt House ready to tell Remus about the glamour he had been wearing most of his life. "Hey Moony can I talk to you?" Harry asked late one night, Remus was still awake reading by the fireplace in his bedroom. 

"Of course come in." Remus said he gestured to the chair across from himself so Harry could sit. "Chocolate?" He asked holding a candy bar.

Harry took the candy happily and smiled at his godfather, he was predictable but Harry loved the routine the two of them had when together and he wouldn't change it for the world, he just hoped Sirius was this nice. "Remus have you ever heard of magical kids using glamours accidentally to keep them safe from bullying and stuff?"

Remus sat down his book and looked thoughtful. "Yes and no. It takes a very powerful witch or wizard to do something at the age you're thinking of why do you ask?"

"Well, glamours aren't strong enough to hid themselves so when you try to enter places like the Hogwarts dorms it has to be dropped, polyjuice and other things stronger work though." Harry explained.

"And?" Remus asked looking curious.

"I couldn't get into the dorms last year because I covered up my actual appearance with a glamour but I actually love the way I look without the glamour." Harry said.

Remus gave a smile. "Can I see?" He asked.

Harry dropped the glamour and Remus went quite, with Harry's hair that length if it was black he'd looked just like Sirius, and him and James had always had the same build bodywise, he looked like Sirius when he was younger. "Hey are you okay?" Harry asked. "I can put the glamour back on." He offered.

"No no." Remus said. "You look great I was just thinking cub. Thank you for telling me." 

Harry grinned and they started talking about books and Harry's teachers until the sky started to light with the morning sun and Remus booted Harry out of his room so the both of them could go to bed. 

A/N- Omg I love this chapter so much it's just so sweet. -William Jay  

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