Love or Likeness

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A/N- a little video from my YouTube if u guys can get my channel to 100 subs I'll post the whole story at once. -W Jay

Over the course of the holiday break Harry learned everything he could from the men around him. Gaunt taught him about Voldemort and what he was like when he was younger. Riddle, oh my when Riddle showed Harry some of his memories some important some not the thing Harry did notice was the 16 year old was pretty. And Remus spent days telling Harry about his parents and showing him pictures. The pranks they pulled in school, James trying get Lily to go out with him, Sirius playing muggle music to make his mother mad, everything.

By the time school started again Harry kept the diary on him at all times once even seeing him cry which was creepy considering his tears were black ink, Slytherins seeker had transferred to some French school over the holidays so Draco got the spot along with a new broom for Yule. Luna and Harry were in the stands waiting for his first game when McGonagall's voice went across the pitch. "All students please return to your common rooms and stay their until a meeting with your Head of Houses. The game is cancelled."

Apparently there was another attack a Ravenclaw and a Gryffindor both second years. After Severus explained to them that the school may even be shut down most students left for their rooms. "Dad always wanted me to go to Durmstrang." Draco said suddenly, the silver trio was sitting in the common room by the fire.

Harry looked up from Hogwarts: a History. "What does that mean?" He asked.

"He's worried he'll be sent their leaving us." Luna said frowning.

Draco nodded agreeing with Luna. "That's not going to happen we'll going to stop this together." Harry said.

Draco gave him a sad smile and the three of them went back to what they were doing. "Hey guys?" Harry asked looking up. "Are their like gay wizards?" He asked.

Draco thought for a moment. "Well yes. But most witches and wizards aren't to fond of them. I've never had a problem them, love who you love." He said.

"Is their something you want to tell us, Harry?" Luna asked.

"No, I'm not its just my godfathers are so I was just curious." Harry said quickly.

"But if you were at least you know you'd get whoever you want." Draco joked.

"Yeah," Harry said. You would have to be a fool not to see that Tom Riddle was pretty with his dark hair and pale skin, the shire power he had was amazing Gaunt had that power too but it was closed off which Harry didn't like, he had been kept in the dark his whole life and he didn't want to stay that way.

Harry stayed up all night when Riddle showed him the memory he needed to see, it had been Hagrid, the school gatekeeper Harry shot out of his bed and shook Draco awake without making a sound. Draco grabbed for his wand but as soon as he saw it was his best friend he stopped. "What the bloody hell are you doing?" He demanded in a whisper.

"It's Hagrid he opened the Chamber of Secrets 50 years ago and I think he's done it again." Harry whispered back. 

Draco didn't even think he shot out of his bed as fast as Harry had getting his shoes on. "Let's go." He said. "Grab your cloak."

Harry complied and as they both made their way down the stairs they were met with Luna. "I just had a dream or a vision. You'll going to see Hargid, let me come he likes me." She said.

Harry was glad to have friends that would do this with him and looking over at Draco he realized that if he didn't figure this out Draco would have to leave and they couldn't let that happen. 

A/N- this is the longest chapter posted at 634 words, I'm very happy with how it turned out. -William J

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