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TW: Suicide mentioned (but she's already dead)

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TW: Suicide mentioned (but she's already dead)

A/N- Me being a dsmp fan forgot that normal ghost don't burn when they get wet so I had to make a small edit cause I'm dumb and sleep deprived. -William Jay

"Luna this is a girls bathroom." Draco pointed out. "And it's out of order."

"It's Myrtle's bathroom." Said Luna as if that explained anything to the two boys.

"Who's Myrtle?" Asked Harry.

"Im Myrtle!" Said a young ghost, her voice was as light as Luna's but it had a whine to it making it unpleasant. "I wouldn't expect you to know me no one ever knows about Moaning Myrtle." She cried.

"Myrtle a cat was attacked outside your door on Halloween did you see anything?" Luna asked sweetly.

"I don't know Peeves upset me so much I came back here to kill myself when I remembered-" Myrtle cut herself off.

"I know it's okay love." said Luna.

Myrtle then went headfirst into a toilet and her sobs faded away.

Time passed like that and the only thing the three of them figured out was that the Chamber had been opened before. After dinner one day Snape told all the Slytherins that a young Gryffindor, Colin Creevey and the Gryffindor ghost had been attacked. "It's not looking good for us in Slytherin." Severus said. "We as a house need to stick together now more then ever, as the other houses are turning against us. If any of you have something you want to share I'm sure we can solve this in house." Finished Snape then he was gone in a flourish of robes. 

"Sev, thinks it's one of us." Draco said.

"Doesn't it have to be?" Asked Pansy everyone in the group looked at her. "The heir of Slytherin opened the Chamber surely the heir is in our house." She pointed out.

"It must be an older family someone who built up the Slytherin legacy that's all of us save for me and Luna." Said Harry. "We're the first Slytherins in our family for generations."

"Maybe you're all wrong." Luna suggested not looking up from her magazine. "Something tells me it isn't one of us." 

"Yeah sure Luna." Pansy said with a scoff. "Whats it gonna be a Gryffindor?" She joked. 

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