Parents and Shitty Guardians

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"They saved our lives

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"They saved our lives." Ginny said. "We were pushed down into the Chamber by Lockheart!" She exclaimed.

All eyes turned to Lockheart who backed up moving his had to his wand. Lucius went to grab his moving faster then the 'teacher'. "Is this true?! You almost killed my son?! My only child?"  He demanded.

"Yes it's true." Draco said. "Harry and Luna saved us." 

"Now lets not get ahead of ourselves. Young Malfoy was with Weasley and they were looking for the Chamber I just gave them a little push in the right direction." Lockheart said.

Then Draco's mother pulled her wand and sent a hex towards Lockheart. "Narcissa love there is no need for you to get your hands dirty." Said Lucius.

"No one move." Dumbledor said. "If you will all wait outside I will talk to Mr. Lockheart alone." 

Out in the hallways Harry and Luna let the two families have time with their kids until Lucius and Narcissa walked towards them. Narcissa hugged the two of them saying thank you then when she was done Lucius bent down to their level. "You saved my son's life and for that I am forever in your debt if you need anything just remember the name Lucius Malfoy." He shook Luna's hand.

"And I'm Luna Lovegood." she said.

Lucius grabbed Harry's hand next. "Harry Potter, sir." 

"Ah, yes the famous Harry Potter it's good to see your fame isn't just because of the world's greatest wizard." 

"I'm just helping a friend." Harry said smiling at Draco who was in his mother's arms.

"Very well Mr. Potter you have the same offer as you're friend." Lucius said just then the doors opened but Lockheart was no where to be seen. "You let him get away?!" Lucius demanded.

"No he has been dealt with." Dumbledor said. Lucius eyes him suspiciously. "Now if you will all return to your proper places. Mr. Malfoy and Ms. Weasley Madam Pompfrey wants to keep an eye on you two medically. And Mr. Potter we're going back to my office to have a chat, my boy." Dumbledor said and Harry inwardly groaned.

Once Harry was finally in Dumbledor's office the old man spoke. "Harry, my boy you will be going back to the Dursley's this summer, there are wards protecting the house-" Before Harry could say anything Dumbledore spoke again. "Or you go back to Remus and he gets in trouble for kidnapping then you go back to the Dursley's the choice is yours, my boy." 

Harry panicked he wasn't going to lose Remus. "I'll go but they may not survive if they put their hands on me again." Harry said. Dumbledor said nothing. "And I want to see Remus before I'm stuck with the Muggles."

"Very well. I'll walk you back to your dorms." Dumbledor said.

"No thank you." Harry said with a glare. "One it's not like there's a killer on the lose cause I took care of that and two I want to be alone and think about all that's happened today."

And Harry left like that it was later in the day and Harry was trying not to hex anything and anyone who crossed his path most Slytherins were out so Harry plopped on his bed unsure of what to do, he grabbed a notebook and started to write. 'Remus, Dumbledore says I have to return to the Dursley's and this time I don't have a choice . He says I can see you before Hogwarts lets out but that's it. Your cub, Harry Potter.' And he sent the letter and shoved the his head in his pillow trying to forget. 

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