Lets not Piss off That Woman

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A/N- I think Im going to add a drawing at each chapter what do you all think. -William J

The next morning as class time charts were being handed out the Slytherin Trio were eating breakfast when a small boy in Gryffindor robes tapped on Harry's shoulder

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The next morning as class time charts were being handed out the Slytherin Trio were eating breakfast when a small boy in Gryffindor robes tapped on Harry's shoulder. "Are you Harry Potter?" He asked. 

"Oh, please he wishes he was Harry flippin' Potter. Potter's a Ravenclaw second year with dark hair." Said Draco. "Now get away from our table before we skin you into a nice lion rug." Snapped the blonde, in a bad mood.

The small boy ran looking for a Harry Potter in Ravenclaw, and Harry turned to Draco. "What's wrong?" He asked the blonde.

Draco sighed. "I'm stressing about this year. Granger beat me in scores last year and my dads been on my case about it all summer 'a witch with no magical blood beat my son'" Draco mocked.

"We were in the top five of our year though." Harry said. Hogwarts had a system top five students of each year got marked as model students and the whole school was shown, some twisted way of pitting them against each other. Last year it was 1. Harry 2.Granger 3.Draco 4.Luna and 5. was a Ravenclaw girl they didn't know.

In their conversation they didn't notice everyones eyes turn to the Gryffindor table so the very loud. "Ronald Weasley!" Made them jump. "How dare you steal that car for a joy ride with your friends I hope your five minutes of fame was worth it. You make me want to say the Twins are my favorite and they're snakes! If you put another toe out of line we'll bring you straight home. And Ginny dear congrats on making Gryffindor your father and I are very proud."

The twins seemed unphased at the harsh words but the other Weasley's face was bright red. "Made this year won't be so bad after all."

Harry smiled "Yeah lets not piss off that woman."

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