Classwork and Loopholes

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A/N- Anamatic of Remus and Harry's future also Happy Yule it starts tomorrow

On there way to Herbology the Silver Trio saw Spourt, a short witch always covered in dirt and Lockheart who was spotless standing at the base of the Womping Willow which Ron, Dean and a few other Gryfindors had crashed into.

"Poor thing." Luna said. "You can tell its hurting." 

"Poor thing?" Draco asked shocked. "Luna that thing and some dumb Gryfindors almost killer Severus when he was in school here." 

"Really?" Harry asked interested. 

"Yeah, but we're the snakes. No offense, Mal." Draco said to the snake wrapped around Harry's neck.

"Yesssss, offensssse ssssssstupid twit." The snake hissed.

Harry giggled at his snakes remark and they made their way to their greenhouse where they had an essay to write which was stated on a blackboard. Harry, Draco and Luna having already done this sat at the front talking in hushed tones.

After that was Transfiguration, now the Trio was top of the year but even they had a run for their money, they were supposed to be turning a beetle into a button however not having used magic in a few months made it challenging but they got it done. Luna in Luna fashion made her button look like a rainbow, Draco's was grey and Harry's was black.

Before they left Granger raised her hand. "Professor are you going to give us homework?" She asked, almost everyone groaned.

"I suppose, 1 foot paper on animal to object transfiguration on my desk by the time you walk into class tomorrow." Said the cat like teacher.

And then it was time for lunch the Silver Trio worked on Mcgonagall's paper. "It's actually easy use your notes from last year here let me show you this spell." Harry said.

Harry grabbed his notes, a bit of parchment, and his wand. "Effingo crustulum." Harry whispered. "And there is a good bit of information already. Can't use it to take notes though it only works on your own handwriting." Harry said showing them the paper.

"Ah hell yeah." Draco said, Harry had found a loophole.

A/N- The spell is literally copy/paste lmao -William Jay

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