Spiders and Murder Victims

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The sky was clear and starry

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The sky was clear and starry. Their plan was simple, Draco and Harry would sneak into Hagrid's hut under Harry's cloak while Luna would walk in. Hagrid liked Luna they both had a love for animals some dangerous, some sweet, some may not even be real. Luna knocked on the door. "Hello Hagrid." She said in her soft voice.

"Ar you alright there Luna?" Hagrid asked. "It's late." 

"Just fine. I had a dream and I hoped we could talk." She said.

Hagrid let her in and silently the hidden boys followed and hid under the table . "Rock cake?" He offered.

Luna happily took one with a thank you. "Hagrid you went to school here with my mum's older sister right?" she asked and Hagrid nodded. "So you know the most Wesia women and even some of from the Malfoy side are blessed by being seers?" 

"Yeah."  Just then there was a knock on the door . "Hide." He said to Luna and she did so.

In walked Fudge, Dumbledor, and Draco's father Mr. Malfoy. They were talking about a bunch of things that didn't make sense to Harry something about government but Hagrid left only after he thought Dumbledor would be arrested too. 

"If someone wanted to find anything out all they would have to do is follow the spiders." Hagrid said. "Oh, and someone will need to feed Fang while I'm away." And with that the hut was empty.

"Look." Luna said pointing to a trail of spiders. "Come on. We have to follow them." She spoke.

"What happened to not getting into trouble this year, you just say my dad he's scary when he's mad. And we're related?" Draco asked.

"I want to see you for next year though. And yes my mother Pandora was the youngest kid of your grandfather Abraxus." 

Harry looked grim. "Use the cloak to get back I can do this on my own." Harry said. 

Draco scoffed. "You said that last year too." he reminded Harry. "We're in this together." 

So they followed the spiders into the Forbidden Forest, Draco chattering quietly trying to calm his nerves. Luna was torn between looking at the stars and talking to the spiders.

Harry, Draco and Luna didn't know they were in a monstrous spider's web until it was too late the two boys shut their eyes tight hoping it was all just a bad dream. "Aragoc it's me Luna!" She said in a loud, stern voice that didn't sound like her own. "Hagrid introduced us." 

Carefully the spider set Luna down but didn't drop Harry or Draco. "And the strangers?" He asked.

"My friends, we need you're help." She said, the spider set the boys down. "Hagrid's in trouble do you know anything about the Chamber of Secrets?" Luna asked.

"Only that it is the home of a monster and it will not be foreseen. If Hagrid is as you say in trouble then you don't have much time, so to the room of the last murder and you shall have your answers."  Said Aragoc.

Luna, Draco, and Harry all took off towards the castle. "Thank you, Aragoc!" Luna said running with her friends while waving goodbye.

"Mrytle's bathroom." Draco said as they snuck under the cloak. 

A/N- I am so sorry for the next chapter please forgive me in advance. -William Jay  

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