Rowan Laslow pt. 2

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This one is like a little smutty but not that much. Enjoy ;)

       The room was filled with the noise of swords hitting against each other. You were fencing against Bianca, the score being tied. The rest of the class was watching the match, each student rooting for either one of you. Bianca's swings were getting closer and closer to hitting you, tiring you and her out. "Just give up already. You know I always beat you." She mocked. "Never." You smirk.

     The two of you continued to spar for a few more minutes, the room becoming more tense. Suddenly, Bianca's sword hits against your arm, breaking through the fabric and slicing the skin beneath. "Bianca wins!" The instructor called out while lifting up her left arm. "Told you so." She says, smiling at you. "Yeah, yeah." You scoff.

     "Let's get that cut cleaned up. Come on." The instructor leads you to the infirmary, dropping you off at the door. As you walked inside, you noticed that Rowan was sitting inside, an inhaler held tightly in his right hand. "Didn't expect to see you here." You remark as you sit down. "What happened to you?" He asks as his cheeks flush a light shade of pink.

     "Bianca sliced my arm when we were fencing." You shrug. "Are you okay?" "I'll be fine." You smile at him and pass into a comfortable silence waiting for the nurse to arrive. As the nurse walks in, she starts tending to the wound. It wasn't a deep cut do she just applied a bandage and sent you on your way. Before you left, you sent Rowan a small wave and walked away.

     You went to the next classes in the day, seeing Rowan periodically throughout the day. As the day was coming to a close, Rowan approached you. "Um, about the other day, in the library, I just wanted to thank you again. So uh, thanks." His voice was barely above a whisper and his face was bright pink. "It's my pleasure." You blow him a kiss. "How about we meet up behind the greenhouse tonight. It's supposed to be a pretty night but I don't think we'll be looking at the sky to much." You look up at him and wink. "I-uh y-yeah. I guess I'll see you then." He smiled and walked away.

     ~That Night~

     You made your way to the greenhouse, keeping an eye out for anyone around you. As you rounded the corner, you were met with the smiling face of Rowan. "Hey, so um, what do you want to do?" He asked while walking over to you. In response, you pull his lips to yours. He moved his hands to the back of your head, pulling you closer to him. This time, he was a lot less timid.

     His left hand moved down your body, fitting into all the curves of your waist. Your hands go to his jacket, slipping it off. You pull back to catch your breath and Rowan does the same. "You're so beautiful." He whispers to you. Your cheeks flush pink. His lips connect with yours again, this time there's some sort of hunger to them.

     Once his lips collide with yours, his hands roam your body, finding a comfortable space on your ass. Your entire body was filled with butterflies swarming everywhere he touched you. He pulled you over to the wall and pushed your body against it, not once breaking the kiss. As you were kissing, your hands were unbuttoning his shirt. The buttons were becoming more difficult to undo, your hands struggling to take then off. He started to help, eventually taking full control taking off the shirt. As he slipped the shirt off and folded it neatly,  he gave you a smile, telling you in his own way that it was okay.

     The slightly toned body of the boy above you caused you to want him more. Your back pressed against the wall behind you, restricting movement slightly. The fabric covering your torso was removed with one movement while Rowan watched in admiration. "So, so beautiful." He whispered under his breath. His hand softly caressed your jawline while he looked at you. The air surrounding the two of you was getting cold, causing goosebumps to spread across your body. He noticed, quickly wrapping his arms around you, pulling your body to his. "If you want we can stop. It's getting cold." His voice was soft and comforting. "Are you sure?" You move into him as you ask, looking him in the eyes. 

     "Anything you want sweetheart." The nickname made your entire body feel as if it was about to float off the ground. He helped you put back on your shirt which had fallen on the floor. He put back on his shirt as well, realizing about your lack of jacket. "Take my jacket, I don't want you cold." He looked at you worried while gesturing the jacket toward you. Your hand reaches for the jacket, removing it from where it was sitting in his arms. "Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow?" "See you tomorrow." He plants a small kiss on your forehead and grabbing your hand. With that, the two of you walked the separate ways to your dorms.

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