Chapter- 1 History

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~ 10 Years Ago~

Kourai Hoshiumi stood in the middle of the train station and shouted, "You think I can't fuck'n be famous just because I'm short?!"

Maeko Tershita got right in Hoshiumi's face until his wide eyes grew even larger in surprise. "You being short means absolutely nothing to me! You have a heart of gold Kourai, but you're such an insecure asshat that somedays loving you is nearly impossible!" she screamed at the obtuse boy.

Hoshiumi blinked a few hundred times before angrily gaping at her. "Wwwhhhatt?"

Maeko didn't budge an inch as she yelled right back at him, "Yeah you stupid seagull, I love you...I always have, so don't you dare accuse me of not supporting your career! I've shoved aside my own happiness, my feelings, and my own future with you so that I don't hold you back from your dreams!"

Before her tearful, albeit firey admission could sink into Hoshiumi's stubborn brain, the overhead speakers blared with their announcement that his train was boarding.

Maeko snorted in disbelief. "I guess I really was too late this time." Hoshiumi felt conflicted as his high school ex-girlfriend turned away from him. Maeko gave him one last beautiful smile before she said in a soft genuine voice, "I know you're going to become a wonderful pro volleyball player Kourai, but if someday you ever find yourself lonely, you should reach out to me again. Who knows... maybe by then things will be different."

Hoshiumi canted his head up and crossed his arms over his chest. "Who says I'll ever be lonely?!"

Maeko's forest-green eyes creased in sadness as she whispered,

"Everyone gets lonely Kou...even you."


10 years had passed since that day, and everything Maeko had predicted became true.

Hoshiumi's career took off with the same thunderous momentum his jumps did. Within his first year as a pro, he had become a starter for the Japanese professional volleyball team, the Schweiden Adlers, and just recently he had been invited back to be on Japan's Olympic team for the second time in a row, yet..neither of those accolades made him happy at all.

It was New Year's Eve and a few days before his 27th birthday, and Hoshiumi finally understood what Maeko meant all those years ago as he stood alone in the middle of his very own home.

"Stupid fuck'n duckbrained girl. I swear she put a stupid hex on me or something," he grumbled to himself before swearing, "I'mma find her, and she's going to fix this shit so that I can go back to being happy!"

He ripped his phone out of his pocket and did what he did every time he was pissed. He called his best friend, Sachirou Hirugami.

Hoshiumi paced in tight circles as he impatiently waited for him to pick up the phone. Hirugami did not go on to play professional volleyball as Hoshiumi did. Instead, he became a veterinarian which means, "THERE IS NO REASON FOR YOU TO NOT PICK UP MY CALL!!!!!!"

Hoshiumi glared at the little clock on his nightstand. "IT IS 9 PM!?! We are 25 not 50 years old!! Pick up the damn phone!!" Hoshiumi raged as he dialed him again, and again, and again.

~14 miles away, Hirugami snored peacefully. The soft buzzing of his phone simply lulled him deeper into sleep as he continued to dream about the batch of kittens he helped deliver earlier in the day.~

Hoshiumi grabbed two handfuls of his white hair and spiked it up in a million different directions in pure annoyance. "I HATE THIIIS!" He kicked and punched the air a few bazillion times until he was a panting sweaty mess in the middle of his bedroom.

First Loves🍋 (Kourai Hoshiumi x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon