Chapter- 15 Formally Invited

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"Dear baby Jesus, Hoshiumi what happened to your knees?!!" Hinata practically screeched in the middle of the locker room. 

He only wore a kneepad on his right knee, so the bright red injury was practically glowing on his pale uncovered left knee. 

"None of your business," Hoshiumi grumbled, but honestly the comment lacked any real bravado. 

Bokuto waddled up beside Hinata and inspected Hoshiumi like a very goofy Sherlock Holmes impersonator. "Shoyo, he also seems to be in a better mood today. What on earth do you think the darling boy got up to last night? Hmmmm~?"

"Is that supposed to be a British accent because that was fucking terrible," Hoshiumi chuckled. 

However, Bokuto was not offended in the slightest because he had made the surly short-wing spiker laugh. He loved making everyone around him happy, so he decided to push the envelope by asking, "Shoyo, I believe we need a demonstration." He snapped his fingers a few times, and Hinata dropped to his knees. "Now what could Hoshiumi been doing in this position ~?"

Hinata dove forward. "Maybe diving receives!! Kourai! Are you trying to do rolling thunder?!"


Atsumu and Suna wandered into the locker room to see Hinata on his knees in front of Bokuto and Hoshiumi. Suna was never one to stick his nose into the crackhead's business, so he casually went about his way. Atsumu however was enthralled by the chance to cause mischief. 

"What're ya do'n down there Shoyo?"

"We're testing our hypothesis for what could have possibly caused those horrific injuries on our poor chap's knees~."

You gotta give Atsumu some credit, he didn't even bat an eye at Bokuto's rather insulting accent. He simply turned his attention to Hoshiumi without missing a beat. 

All four of them looked at his one exposed knee. 

"It's not horrific? It's slightly red," Hoshiumi said in defense of his own knee. 

Hinata walked around on his knees to try and inspect his skin closer. Due to being in a wonderful mood after fucking Maeko all night, Hoshiumi allowed Hinata to get much closer than he'd typically allow. 

"Hmmmmm there are little doodles in here?"

"Doodles?" Atsumu asked. 

Hoshiumi put his foot on the bench so that all three bird brains, plus the fox that was in the hen house, could get a closer look. 

"What the fuck are doodles?" 

"The little squiggles!"

As they inspected Hoshiumi's knee, the locker room door opened once more. Sakusa and Kimori stopped dead in their tracks. 

From their point of view, Hinata was on his knees in front of Hoshiumi's crotch. Atsumu and Bokuto were hovering over from the sides eagerly watching. Their varrying degrees of undress due to getting distracted mid-change did not help the situation. 

" the fuck are you doing?"

At Sakusa's dead voice, Atsumu's head snapped around. He looked between all of them a few times before laughing way too loudly. Bokuto was confused so he just scratched his bare chest and waited for someone to fill him in. Hinata leaned around Hoshiumi's thighs and licked his dry lips, "Huh? I'm checking out Hoshiumi's knee for doodles!"

Hoshiumi however could see the confusion laced with some unknown emotion rolling across Sakusa's midnight-black eyes, so he jumped back and crowed, "it's not what it looks like!!"

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