Chapter- 9 Gully

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Hoshiumi watched as Maeko's eyes softened the longer he held her, and for a split second it felt like he had her back.

"You want the long version or the highlight reel?"

Hoshiumi snorted, "Highlight. You know I have no patience."

"True," Maeko chuckled before sighing, "Kenma Kozume, you know who he is?"

"Only recently."

"Well you must have made quite the impression because he tasked his rapid squirrel gang of followers to try and find a Maeko Terashita."

Hoshiumi raised a brow in confusion. "Hueh!??"

"Yep. Kozume's little announcement spread like wildfire, and I had more than a few news people outside my office when O. Miya showed up for our monthly finance meeting. He brought me to the sports center to meet up with Kenma."

"And that's where you fucking stranded me in the middle of an ice rink, yes yes, I remember that part," Hoshiumi muttered bitterly.

"It's not my fault the ice hated you. Maybe it thought you were trying to steal its trademark white color or something."

"Don't be weird, I find it too cute to stay mad at you, and I am trying to figure out how pissed to be so hurry the hell up and get to the important part. Why were you at Osamu's house?"

"Don't rush me-"

"This feels a whole lot like the long version."

"Shut up and let me finish!" she squawked angrily which made Hoshiumi bite his lip to stop from smiling down at her. Hoshiumi gave her a silent nod to continue. "Thank you. Jeeze, so impatient. We went out to dinner with Kozume and Kuroo, who make a really cute couple," Hoshiumi genuinely wondered how the fuck she considered that relevant information but she was still a little pissy, so he kept his lips glued together, "afterward he drove me home since I was a bit tipsy, but my apartment was surrounded by news people. I voted for a hotel, but he didn't think that'd be safe. Thus he offered to let me stay at his place while Kozume called off the fanatical fans."

Hoshiumi's neck was beginning to turn red with the need to explode with comments, so Maeko sighed, "Go ahead and let it out."

"HOW IN THE LITERAL FUCK was that the short version?!"

"I didn't mention how you vomited on my shoes, so you should be thankful!"

"Stop bringing that shit up!" he barked in embarrassment.

"Oh no," she giggled evilly, "I am never letting you live that one down. For the rest of your life, I'm tormenting you with that."

Hoshiumi's sassy comment was snuffed out as he realized, "For the rest of my life?"

The realization also dawned on Maeko who snapped her mouth shut after indirectly saying she'd be around forever. She tried to back away from Hoshiumi, but his wide eyes were already filled with hunger as he matched every one of her steps with his own. His much longer legs meant he closed the distance between their bodies rapidly, and when her hip bumped into the counter, he used that pause to finally reach out.

"Where do you think you're going Mae? Hmmm? You can't run from me if you're going to be teasing me for the rest of my life." His strong arms bracketed her hips as he prevented her from running. Hoshiumi's single dimple showed as he smiled down at her, and she could feel her body beginning to warm with lust when his eyes dropped to her lips. "You not talking to me anymore baby?"

First Loves🍋 (Kourai Hoshiumi x OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant