Chapter- 7 Toss'n Cookies

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Hoshiumi's eyes blinked at two different speeds as he peered up at Maeko. "Ar-r-are you real?"

"Are you a pirate?" she quipped back.


"Then don't stutter like one."

Hoshiumi's brows pulled together angrily. "I think you are real because you're much nicer in my dreams....and naked."

Maeko hated the small smile that danced across her lips as she gazed into his salty face. On a selfish whim, she ran her hand through his hair just like she had when he was asleep against the table. "Well, I guess I'm relieved to hear that you dream about me."

The roar of the bar suddenly engulfed their conversation as some unknown sports team scored on Tv, so Hoshiumi grunted loudly, "Huh?! I can't hear you!"

"That's probably for the best." Maeko pointed to his cup. "Did you already pay for your drinks?"


"Oh my god, I hate drunk people." She over-annunciated every word just to piss him off a little more since he was grating on her patience. "I said, Have. You. Paid. For. Your. Drinks? Yes or no?"

Clarity was finally beginning to seep into Hoshiumi's intoxicated brain the longer he conversed with what he still figured was a figment of his drunken imagination. He had thought that the bright-eyed beautiful girl standing before him was completely fake, but as memories of her being amusingly sassy any time he acted up entered his brain, he understood that Maeko was indeed there.

It was this drunken realization that caused him to jump to his feet in excitement. "Mae! You came back to me!"

Hoshiumi was completely sloshed, so his natural athleticism was currently at a 0.004 instead of its usual 10/10. This meant that his overly exuberant movement caused him to catapult his muscular form right into hers. Maeko yelped as he knocked them both off balance.

"Crap!" Maeko's fearful squeal penetrated that instinctual part of Hoshiumi's brain, and he rolled them over at the last second so that it was his back that slammed into the wall instead of hers.

Despite Hoshiumi being about as hard as the brick behind him, it felt completely different being pressed against his body as opposed to the wall. Because the last time she checked walls didn't have strong hands that were wrapped around her fine hip bones.

Maeko's hands were splayed on Hoshiumi's wide chest, and she timidly looked up at Hoshiumi's cockily smiling face. Even drunk the bastard was arrogant, and it made her want to punch him in the face and kiss him all at once.

"Did you really think I wouldn't catch you?"

"You're the one that's always knocking me over," Maeko challenged, but the teasing was pretty much pointless because of how breathless she sounded due to being pressed up against Hoshiumi's muscular frame.

"I think I'm okay with the outcome though," Hoshiumi said in a husky voice as his fingers tensed ever so slightly on her hips.

Maeko didn't want him to hear how much he was affecting her voice, so she simply nodded in agreeance. He continued to smile down at her as those hands began to dip a little lower. Before his fingers could go anywhere both of them both wanted, Maeko's mind shoved aside her heart and reminded her of everything that had happened earlier in the day.

"W-wait," she whispered so low Hoshiumi could barely hear her over the rambunctious bar, but he would have stopped either way because Maeko was hiding her face from him. 

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