Chapter- 5 Once Upon a Time

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Osamu walked beside Maeko protectively as he led her out of the sports complex. Honestly he felt like shit. He thought he had been doing things the easiest/laziest way possible by delivering her to Kenma so that he could explain what on earth had happened, but he didn't want to be the cause for the hollowness that had stolen some of the vibrancy in her forest green eyes.

Feeling incredibly guilty Osamu murmured, "Yo lil bean sprout?"

"Hmm?" Maeko hummed as she followed beside Osamu numbly. "What's up?"

"I feel like an asshole, so what do ya say to letting me buy you some dinner?"

Maeko's smile was small, but it felt amazing to see it again as she teased him, "do I get the buy the most expensive thing on the menu?"

Osamu snatched his hat off her head and playfully snorted, "yer the one that does my books, so I think ya know how much I can afford."

"Oh in that case, I'll just get a free water because you're broke as a joke."

Osamu slapped her on the back as he chuckled momentarily forgetting that she wasn't his twin who weighed twice what Maeko did. When she went flying, he cursed loudly and snapped her up in his arms before her face met the unforgiving ground. "Holy shit! Terashita, I'm sorry! I didn't think I hit ya that hard, but fuck! ya really got some air time there, didn'tcha?"

Maeko clung to his strong forearms as she wheezed, "I think I just saw my life flash before my eyes. Was that my punishment for lying?" She looked around the empty hallway and called out goofily, "God, are you listening? I said I'm sorry. Please don't let O. Miya kill me for lying. I'm sorry, he's a very wealthy man. Please don't kill me again."

Osamu carefully deposited her back to her feet. "Ya can't ask me not to kill ya again because if I had killed ya, then you'd be dead not standing here giving me lip."

She patted all over her body checking for signs of life, and Osamu rolled his stormcloud gray eyes at her theatrics. "Really?"

"Really!! What if my toes got lost in the spirit realm or something?"

Osamu sighed loudly before waving to the door. "Come on bean sprout, let's get me some food so that I find ya less annoying."

Maeko's laughter flowed around them as they made their way out, but before they could vacate the premises, a raspy loud voice called out, "ohhhhh is that my favorite drinking buddy!?"

Maeko turned to see a tall black-haired male smirking at them with bright glowing catlike eyes that wreaked of mischief. Beside him was a much shorter thin male wearing the cutest of bucket hats with grown-out blond hair dancing across his oversized hoodie-covered shoulders.

Osamu put his hand on Maeko's shoulder to let her know to stay as he said in a monotone yet happy voice, "well well well, look who we have here."

The taller male opened his arms wide, and Osamu released her so that he could let himself be hugged. Osamu did 5% of the hugging while Kuroo smothered him in a bear hug that Maeko was pretty positive she'd die within due to the sheer violence of it.

"Osamu, what're you up to my man?"

Osamu rolled his eyes out of part guilt and annoyance that today had turned out so complicated. He pointed at the smaller man hiding behind Kuroo playing his Nintendo switch. "I've come for Kenma."

Kenma's entire body shivered like the house cat he was. "You're here to kill me? Please?" he asked all while continuing to play his video game.


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