Chapter- 10 Relearning

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Assumptions were the biggest fucking assholes in the world.

Hoshiumi stood at his front door and barked, "when you said you were giving me another chance, I was assuming you'd be my girlfriend, and girlfriends don't fucking leave their boyfriend's house to run off with another guy."

Maeko's eyes actually got lost in the back of her head from rolling them so hard. "I said you get a chance Kourai, not that we're going right back to where we were. We're just becoming friends again, so let's take this slow."

He threw his hands up in the air in annoyance. "Now we're back to Kourai too? What the fuck happened to gully?"

"I'm sorry, but you're being super unhelpful right now so unless you're offering to help me put these barf-stained items in this trash bag, you can shut the hell up Kourai."

Hoshiumi pursed his lips and wisely chose to not say anything else.

After she tossed the shoes into the garbage bag, she sighed, "and I'm not running off with another guy. Osamu has my purse since I wasn't supposed to leave with you last night, so I need to go back to his place to get that. Plus I can't exactly go home right now, so I need to sneak back in and pack a bag or two."

"So you're just going to mooch off of him and sleep on his couch for who knows how long??!"

Maeko slowly looked up at Hoshiumi's suddenly very scared face. "Would you like a chance to rephrase that?"

Hoshiumi's ego screamed no, but he still cleared his throat and tried again, "What I meant to say is that if you're going to mooch off anyone, it should be me since I'm your..." his mind scrambled as he blurted, "not boyfriend."

Maeko wanted to be pissed about his assumption she was mooching off anyone, but she simply couldn't help but giggle, "'not boyfriend'?"

Hoshiumi looked off to the side to try and hide his embarrassment. "I don't know what the fuck to label us, and you like weird ass titles so shut the fuck and accept it."

"You're about to get demoted back down to ex-boyfriend if you keep up this attitude mister."

Hoshiumi mocked her in a high-pitched voice, and Maeko laughed as she tossed the trashbag at his chest. "Okay wiseguy, since you think you're cute, go throw that out."

He canted his head up and stared down his nose at her in a look that was all Hoshiumi. "Do you think I'm cute?"

"When you're being an asshole or when you're being sweet?"


"Of course, you'd be greedy and want both answers," Maeko giggled as she decided to tease the hothead a bit by murmuring, "I guess it's a good thing my answer is the same either way."

Hoshiumi despised, perhaps that wasn't clear enough, he DESPISEDDDDD vague answers, and Maeko knew this so her smile was pure mischief as she left Hoshiumi stewing on his front porch.

Once Hoshiumi disposed of the trash bag and they both washed their hands, Hoshiumi stalked after Maeko like the grouch he was. "Why can't I drive you home?"

"Because we both know you'd start something with O. Miya," Maeko laughed as she patted her pockets to make sure she had her phone.

"I would not!" Hoshiumi lied, but when she turned around to yell at him for lying to her he surprised the hell out of her by stepping close enough that he hovered over her body.

Her eyes widened in anticipation when Hoshiumi slid his hand along her jaw. "Don't yell at me Mae. I know I'm being stubborn," he murmured softly.

"Y-you know that and you're still being difficult?"She was breathless when he tipped her head back in a gentle her firm hold.

First Loves🍋 (Kourai Hoshiumi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now