Chapter- 16 Getting to the Party

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Maeko blinked in surprise as Osamu slowed down to a gradual roll. "What are we doing here?"

The lazy smirk that began to grow over the quieter Miya's handsome face was not comforting as he sent off a text. "We're pick'n you up a shopping buddy."

"Shopping? Buddy?"

"Jesus Terashita, could ya say those two words with any more hostility?" He chuckled while relaxing back in his seat. "I thought women loved shop'n."

Maeko cocked a single eyebrow before delicately explaining, "O. Miya, I'm not sure how to tell you this, but I fucking hate shopping with the passion of a thousand suns."

Osamu snorted in mellow amusement. "Wow lil bean sprout, why don't ya sugar coat it for me some next time?" He rolled his storm gray eyes over to her and smirked, "besides, I wasn't the one who suggested this trip."

"Yeah somehow I don't see you being the one to offer to go sit on the benches outside ladies' dressing room as we try on hundred of clothes that all don't fit or feel like shit."

"Yeah it was 'Tsumu's idea, but trust me where there is a horrible plan, there is always someone dumb enough to go along with it."

There was no need to ask whether or not the muscular man beside her was speaking metaphorically or not, for the apartment complex front door was suddenly thrown out. 

Was it possible to tell someone's intelligence upon first sight? Usually no. 

In this case, Maeko knew with every fiber of her being that the chaotically beautiful woman running full speed at Osamu's truck was in fact 'dumb enough to go along with it'.

"Go go go go!!!!" Gwendolyn shouted as she dove through Osamu's truck's back window.

Despite the woman's out-of-breath banshee scream, Osamu sighed calmly as he began to back out of his parking spot, "yer miss'n yer shoe."

Gwen slicked her raven black pixie short hair away from her sparkling midnight black eyes that were smiling back at the front door. "I know but I only had a few seconds to make a break for it before Tori got me. Ya know he's fast as shit when he wants to be."

Maeko quietly assumed Gwen was gay at the mention of 'Tori', so she was shocked when a barefoot sopping wet man ran outside. "Is that... an alien towel???"

Gwen's entire face lit up in a lustful smile. "Hell yeah, it is! Hajime and I saw it yesterday and bought it for him!"

The green and blue cartoon alien towel hung around Toru Oikawa's thin waist in a way that should be illegal, for it brought far too much attention to the lean muscles that were delving beneath the thin fabric. Maeko blushed when she noticed the bright pink hickies spread across his lower abs, and she knew Gwen was the sole creator of that masterpiece because as Osamu began to drive away, she leaned out the window and cat called, "hey hot stuff, how much for a piece of that flat ass?!"

Oikawa's light brown eyes shot over to Gwen's hyena-cackling face. With a strength Maeko didn't realize he possessed, Oikawa suddenly rocketed a single shoe toward Osamu's truck. "IT'S PHAT, YOU EVIL BITCH!!! AND IM TELLING IWA-CHAN YOU'RE BEING MEAN TO ME AGAIN!!"

"Hey! Tell yer fucker not to damage my god damn truck," Osamu shouted from the front of the cab when Oikawa's pinpoint accuracy meant Gwen's shoe thunderously landed in the bed of the truck.

"Shuddup, yer overcompensate'n truck is fine 'Mu." Out the window, Gwen hollered gleefully, "I love ya!! See you soon!"

Oikawa held onto his towel and huffed haughtily before whipping around and marching back inside.

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