Chapter- 11 First Second Date

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Hoshiumi sat on the Bench of Shame along with Bokuto, Hinata, and Atsumu.

"I don't understand why I'm here. I was the victim of all of this."

"Are victims supposed to be so surly?" Atsumu snickered which got him a passionate hatred filled glare from a man whose midnight black eyes he dreamed of an absurd amount.

"Shut. Up."

"Yup. Got it," Atsumu sang as he zipped his lips and threw away the key over his shoulder.

Hinata rubbed the side of his cheek and grunted, "if anyone is the victim, it's me!" He leaned forward so that he could send his friend a pouty look. "I can't believe you kicked me!"

"ME!?" Hoshiumi pointed at Bokuto's face. "He is the one who hit you, not me!"

"But it was YOUR FEET!"

"Being controlled BY HIM!"


"YA HUGH!" the two short professional volleyball players shouted at one another despite being on opposite sides of their much bigger teammates.

Atsumu was still avoiding those midnight black eyes that were praying for him to say one more thing so that Sakusa could have a 'valid' reason to spray him in the face again, so that left the poor owl to break up the mighty munchin fight.

"Hey hey hey, guys calm down, we're all friends here, right? Can't we just-"

"SHUT UP BO!" Hoshiumi and Hinata screamed at the same time.

Hinata instantly gasped, "Don't yell at my best friend like that!!"

Bokuto turned into a puddle of love. "Awww Shoyo, that's so sweet of you to defend my honor! I love you."

Hinata's sweet brown eyes turned to Bokuto and with a sunshine-filled smile he said, "I love you too Kotaro!"


Hinata high-fived Bokuto over Atsumu's head. "BEST FRANDS!"

"Eeww, your love disgusts me." Hoshiumi shivered and shoved his hands into the front pockets of his sweats grumpily as he tried to march away.

Atsumum risked a face full of disinfectant as he taunted mischievously, "Ya wanna talk about gross? Seeing you and Terashita flirt'n in yer front yard."

Hoshiumi's eyes narrowed in annoyance.

Bokuto suddenly turned to Hoshiumi whose scowl got 20 times worse based solely on the excitement sparkling in the bid bird's eyes. "Atsumu told us next to nothing, so," he crossed his legs and put his chin on his fist, "tell us EVERYTHING."

Hoshiumi would in fact go on and tell them absolutely nothing. Coach Foster would remind them all that practice starts in a few minutes, and anyone who was late would have to report to Luna, who had in fact not yet had breakfast. That threat alone was enough to scare all grown men out of their conversations and hurriedly make their way to the court.

Honestly he was glad for the conveniently timed excuse to escape, for Hoshiumi had no desire to share any aspect of his love life. The fact that Osamu and Atsumu saw him and Maeko was already bothersome enough, so he got a migraine just thinking about what a shit show it'd be if Bokuto or Hinata found out. They'd likely make him sign over his privacy rights just so that they could interview her for their monthly blog post on their website titled Lover's Court.

The busy day also provided him ample time to begin planning out his second first date with Maeko.

Somehow, the second time around was so much scarier than the first! When they started dating all those years ago they were just broke kids with limited freedom, so their options were severely limited. Now though? They were two full-grown adults with limitless opportunities, and in between grueling sets he had considered everything from renting a private helicopter and having them experience the Tokyo skylight together to a simple homemade meal.

First Loves🍋 (Kourai Hoshiumi x OC)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα