Marry him/her

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One day before prologue...

"Mom please stop being so stubborn." Esha said as she followed her upstairs.

Yoona looked at her from over her shoulder. "Are you marring him or not ?" She asked yet again.

Esha : Mom how can you expect me to marry a guy I have never for once even met ? Like I don't even know him.

Yoona : So I'm telling you to meet him.

Esha : But I don't want to. Mom I have just started my career and I don't have time for this marriage thing.

Yoona : Then I too don't have time to go for my check up.

"Mom" Esha stomped her feet in irritation before following her upstairs.

Esha : Mom please... you know right how important this weekly checkup are.

Yoona : It's not as important as seeing you get married.

Esha : Mom don't be so stubborn.

Yoona : You are being stubborn Esha. I don't have much time left with me and......

Esha : Mom don't you dare say that !

Esha could feel a knot form in her chest just with the thought of living a life without her mom.

Yoona : Esha it's the truth. This checkups and medicines are just extending my lifetime for like one or two more months.

Esha : Don't.....

But Yoona speak in between.

Yoona : Even you know that Esha and before dying I just want you to get settled. I don't want you to be alone.

Esha : Mom I am not going to be alone and you are not leaving me. Not so soon... I am cardiologist after all and I will do whatever it takes to cure this heart disease of yours.

Yoona : Esha you must just let me go now. Do you know how bad I feel seeing you struggle all alone ?

Esha : Mom I'm not struggling and I am not alone.

Yoona : As if I will believe that. You left your passion kickboxing and became a cardiologist just so that you could do something for me.

Esha : Mom I'm more than happy right now. One reason was you but it wasn't the only reason.

Yoona : Whatever... I don't know. I am not going for my check up if you don't agree to marry him.

Esha : Mom this is blackmailing !

Yoona : So what if it is ? Are you marrying him or not ? And c'mon Esha he is handsome, hot and smart. He has his own house, business, bank balance and he is very healthy person who can satisfy your both physical as well as mental needs.

Esha : But the main point is I don't like him. Actually I don't even know him.

Yoona : C'mon Esha he is your dad's business partner Mr. Park Jihan's son. You know him.

Esha : Mom I know Jihan uncle but I have never for once seen his son.

Yoona : So go see him tomorrow and then only I'll go for my check up.

Esha : Mom !

Yoona : Esha !

Esha : Okay fine I'll go see him but I have the right to reject him okay ?

Yoona : Not okay.

Esha : Mom what is this ?

Yoona : You have no other choice. I'm not going for my check up if you keep up with this.

Esha clenched her fist and gritted her teeth in irritation.

Esha : Okay fine I won't reject him but if he rejects me then that won't be my fault.

Yoona : You aren't going to do anything, are you ?

Esha : I promise to act nicely but still there can be you know chances that he wouldn't like me ? So I'm just saying.

Yoona : He wouldn't reject you. You are a masterpiece you know.

Esha : I know that mom but still probability you know.

Yoona : You better not do anything.

"I won't." Esha mentally smirked.


"What ?" Jimin wasn't sure if he heard his dad right.

Jihan : Marry her.

Jihan tossed a photo towards Jimin.

Jimin : Dad you know I'm quite busy handling this company. I don't have time for this.

Jihan : Okay then you are fired.

Jimin : What ?

Jihan : If you don't marry her I'm firing you but if you marry her then I'm handling over this company as your wedding gift to you.

Jimin : Dad why ? I mean I worked my ass off for this company and now you want me to---urghhh.

Jimin had no other choice. He picked up the photo to see a picture of a girl smiling.

Jihan : She is Esha. Kim Esha, the daughter of our business partner Kim Su ho. She is cardiologist and she is one of my favorite.

Jimin : Have you even meet her ?

Jihan : Yes of course I have. And she reminds me of your mom.

Jimin : Mom was an actress, not a doctor.

Jihan : I'm not talking about the profession but their behavior. She is kind, sassy and strong just like your mom was and she is perfect match for you.

Jimin : Perfect match... Yes right more like a total perfect mismatch.

Jimin just stuffed her photo in his pocket.

Jimin : Fine ! I have no other choice. I'll meet her tomorrow.


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