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It’s been a year since we left the Upside down.

It’s been a year since we defeated Vecna.

It’s been a year since we saved this godforsaken town.

Which means it's also been a year since we lost Eddie.

My beautiful, loving, funny, chocolate eyed metalhead.

We cleared his name thanks to Hopper, who obviously isn’t dead. And while I'm thankful for that, I'm heartbroken that he’s not here. I need my Eddie. We all obviously miss him in one way or another, but he was the love of my life. 

I’m so damn angry that he lost his life saving the same town that hated him so much. He died sacrificing himself for the town that called him a freak and a murderer. I don't understand why he did it. 

Feeling him die in my arms was the single hardest thing I've had to deal with. I've fought creatures from an alternate dimension too damn many times and the pain was nothing compared to feeling the life drain away from the one person you vowed to keep fighting for.

 I know he thought he’d distract the bats and find a safe place until Vecna was dead, but he was wrong. He didn’t run away, but he should have. 

For me. For us. For the baby he didn’t even know I was pregnant with. She’s 9 months old now and looks just like him. She has his beautiful brown eyes, his crazy wavy hair. It’s black like mine, but that's the only difference. I see so much of him in my sweet Ivy, and it kills me that she’ll never meet her father.

A hero. We will tell her all about him, it’ll feel like she knows him. She’s got so many aunts and uncles that are just in love with her and her dimpled, smiley face. Another thing she got from her daddy.

Of course, she has uncle Wayne and oh boy does she have him wrapped around her chubby little fingers. Wayne talks to her about her daddy every chance he gets, telling her any story he can think of. And he has so many. 

Watching her eyes light up at the mention of her daddy melts my heart. 

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