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“Hey dove. I guess I should explain some things huh?” he said, putting the now sleeping Ivy back into her crib, but still not approaching me.

“Jesus, I must still be sleeping. This is weird but better than the nightmare.” I said, more to myself than him cause it doesn't matter anyway right? It’s just a dream, right? 

“Ok Dove, first things first this is real. I know it’s hard to believe and I’m trying to navigate everything myself.” Eddie said,  walking to me slowly. I couldn’t move, like I was frozen in place.

“Eddie, You’re dead. I felt you die, in my arms. I held you for an hour and there were no signs of life. You are dead and I'm dreaming.” I said, finally getting a good look at him. He looked like my Eddie, but he didn’t. I couldn’t place it, but it’s not like it mattered.

“You’re right, Dove. I was dead. Until I wasn't. I don’t know how it happened, but it did.” he said, directly in front of me now. He reached a hand up to touch my face and he was cautious, but once his hand touched my face I realized he was right. 

I wasn’t dreaming. He was right here in front of me. I wrapped my hands around his neck and he lifted me up to carry me to my room, but it was almost too easy for him to do. Like I was light as air. Eddie sat me down on the bed and continued to talk.

“I didn’t understand what happened. I woke up right where I died. Alone and confused and scared to death, no pun intended. Nothing looked the same, it was dark and everything was dead or gone. I didn’t know how much time had passed, but I knew I had to get out of there and figure out how I was alive.” he said, messing with his rings, something he did when he was anxious.

“Eddie, how did you get back up here? And when?” I asked, confused.

“Uh well, you gotta promise me that you won’t be mad before I tell you that.”

I nodded.

“I need to hear you say it.”

“Yes Eddie, I promise.” He looked at me for a second before nodding and continuing.

“Eleven, she was looking for me because Dustin refused to believe I was dead. When she found me alive, she created a small opening for me to get through. That was 3 months after everything happened.” he said, ready for my anger.

“Eddie. My love. Are you telling me you’ve been topside for 6 months? 6 fucking months?! Are you serious right now?! The first time I see you, you're holding our daughter after breaking in like a creeper? Explain. Now.”

“Technically I didn't break in. You left the window open.” he said, pointing to my fully open window. 

“There’s no way you came in through the window. I live on the 4th floor, Eddie.”

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