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“When I got back, I knew something was different about me. My sense of smell was unmatched. I was faster than I’ve ever been and I physically feel warm but I'm always cold but it doesn’t bother me. The only real problem was the fact that I had this hunger I couldn't satiate. No matter how much I ate, it felt like I was still starving. In a complete accident, we figured it out.” he started, barely taking a breath.

“ Do you remember that day at Dustins when you cut your finger open while cutting that apple?”

He asked, looking almost guilty. I nodded so he continued.

“I was there. I’ve been hiding out in his basement since I got back. I could smell your blood from there. It made me feel ravenous, like I hadn't eaten in months. I had to stop myself from running up the stairs. I didn’t like how it made me feel. Like I would kill for it. It was the blood. I wanted the blood. When you left I told Dustin and he called El. They figured it out.”

“Figured out what exactly Eddie? Are you some sort of vampire or something?” I asked, expecting him to laugh. He didn’t, but I did.

“Wait a damn minute, are you trying to tell me you’re a damn vampire?? Do I look like an idiot? Vampires aren’t real Eddie.”

“Neither are demogorgons, demodogs and demobats. I don’t know exactly how it happened, but we’re betting it had something to do with the bats.” he said, looking almost offended.

“I'm sorry Eddie, I just can't wrap my head around this. It’s gotta be something else. A vampire? No, that can’t be it. It can’t.” I said, shaking my head. 

“Let me show you something, Dove. I don't wanna scare you, but this might help you believe.” he said, making me look at him. I waited while he closed his eyes for a second and when they popped open, I jumped back a bit. His eyes were bright red. Then he smiled and I saw his fangs. I reached my hand out to touch his face and he flinched back. He shook his head and squeezed his eyes closed again, opening them and showing me they were back to normal.

“I don't like doing that. It makes the hunger worse, that's why i didn't want you too close. It’s taken months to be able to control it. All of it. That's why I stayed away so long. Well, I still came to check on you every so often.”

“The first time I actually saw you, you were at Nancys for your baby shower. You looked so fucking beautiful and I hated that I wasnt there for you. I couldn't see you crying anymore so I left and went back to Dustins. I knew I had to get this under control before I let you see me again. So I tested the waters a bit. I had to emotionally detach so it was easier.” he said, looking  intently at me.

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