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“I took it because I didn’t want to hurt you or anyone else anymore” I heard the voice from behind me, and i snapped my head back to see Eddie standing there, a small smile on his face.

I stood and walked over to him, looking him over.

“The night you lost the baby, he offered it to me. If it were any other time, I probably wouldn’t have taken it. I had enough of ruining things and took the risk. I wrote that note to you, thinking if I didn’t make it, it wouldn’t matter anyway.” Eddie said, not moving from his spot. He knew I was pissed and stayed back.

“So instead be being there for me when I needed you, you pretty much tried to kill yourself? Am I getting this right Eddie?” I asked, shaking from anger.

“I'm a coward, remember? I run away, that's what I do.” He did hear me that night. Part of me was glad and part of me was even more pissed that he was so close but didn’t even come talk to me about this whole situation.

“So you did hear me, you son of a bitch. Did you hear me sobbing for the next 4 hours? Did you hear throwing things around and breaking things? How long did you listen to me suffer?” I screamed at him, tears pouring down my face.

“I heard everything, Dove. I couldn’t come any closer than I already was. I wasn’t even supposed to be there. I snuck out of here to take my things and leave that note. I stayed just in case you hurt yourself in any way. I'm sorry, I really am.” he said, reaching out for me.

“No, Eddie. You don’t get to call me that anymore. You don’t get to touch me anymore. You fucking broke me, Eddie. Again! Just tell me one thing? Was all this worth it? Was fucking everything up worth whatever the hell happened here?”

“Yes, because it worked. I’m fully human again.” He said, almost smiling.

“What? It worked? It really worked?” I asked, amazed.

“It took a long time, but yes y/n it worked, Eddie is human again. No trace of anything supernatural in him at all. Of course we’ll want to check every so often, just to be sure.” Owens said, obviously very pleased.

“I don't believe it. Prove it.” I said, crossing my arms.

“How am I supposed to do that?” Eddie asked, incredulous. I turned to look at Owens, noticing the letter opener on his desk. I took it and cut my hand open, watching Eddie’s eyes. Nothing but panic.

“Jesus Dove, what the hell? Owens, get a damn nurse in here!” Eddie said, grabbing my hand and using his shirt to stop the bleeding. “Already on it Eddie” he replied. 

“Seriously, Why would you do that? Just to prove a point?” 

“Honestly Eddie, It’s because I’m tired of being lied to, especially from you.” I replied, noticing the nurse come in and taking my hand from Eddie so she could bandage it.

“So where do we go from here?” He asked, wiping his hands on his jeans, trying to get my blood off.

“I don't know Eddie, I really don't. You can stay with me or someone else and visit Ivy, whichever you prefer. I'm not going to stop you from seeing her, but as for us? I don't know.” I said as the nurse finished with my hand. Eddie nodded, looking at Owens.

“Am I cleared to leave? I’m starting to get tired of this place and I wanna see my daughter?”

“Yes Eddie, you’re free to go. Enjoy being a human again. Y/n, always a pleasure.”

Eddie grabbed his bags and followed me to the waiting room to see the boys waiting.

“Eddie, what’s going on? You’ve got a lot of explaining to do, son.” Hopper said, pulling me into a much needed hug.

“Long story short? I’m human again.” Eddie said, shrugging his shoulders like it wasn’t a huge deal.

Lots of confusion ensued, and we were gently ushered outside.

“How? Is this where you’ve been this whole time? Why couldn’t you just tell someone?” Dustin shot the questions at him without letting him answer.

“Dustin, there’s plenty of time for all that. I need to see my kid right now, kay?” Eddie said, pulling me over to his van. I reluctantly let him help me in before running to his side like he used to. We sat in silence the whole way home, but I noticed he almost put his hand on my thigh but stopped himself. I wanted him to, but was glad he was respecting the boundaries I set.

The others followed, eager to find out what the hell happened in the last 6 months. I don’t know if I'm ready to hear the actual details, seeing the file was traumatizing enough. Once we got home, I noticed Robins car as well as Nancys, knowing they’ll all wanna know what happened.

Once Eddie shut off the van, he leaned over the steering wheel and rested his head on it and let out a breath of air.

“What’s up Eds?” I asked.

“I’m not looking forward to all the questions and having to explain what I went through. I’d rather forget this whole thing happened, be with my daughter and find a way to prove how fucking sorry I am to you.” Eddie said without looking at me once.

“You know you owe no one any explanation. I know they all wanna know what happened, but what’s important is that we all have you back. You don’t have to do this. I’ll tell everyone to leave and if at some point you wanna tell them, then you can.” I said, reaching over and squeezing his hand. He looked at me with a weak smile and nodded.

“Thanks Dove. I know i fucked up and I’m so fucking sorry. You’re too good to me, even after all this. Are you sure you’re ok with me staying here? I’m sure I can find somewhere else.”

“Yes, Eddie, I'm sure. Ivy needs her daddy and it’ll be nice to have you around again.” I said, squeezing his hand again. ”Now let me get all these nosey fuckers out so we can relax and not worry about this shit for a while, kay?” he nodded, getting out and following me to the apartment.

“Ok everyone, while I know everyone wants to know what happened, we need time to just relax and not have to worry about this shit for a while. When, and only when Eddie is ready to tell you, we will let you know but not before. Thank you for all your support and everything you’ve done for us, but we need family time.” I said, starting to usher everyone out.

“Wait a damn minute kid, how do we know he’s really a human and that y’all are safe?” Hop asked. I held up my bandaged hand for them all to see.

“I tested him at the office. No reaction, no red eyes, just panic that I cut my hand open. Now please. If I need anything, I will call. Promise.” Everyone begrudgingly left, muttering on the way out. I turned to look at Eddie and he gave me another weak smile. Before he had a chance to say anything, we heard little footsteps coming down the hall and his smile instantly got bigger.

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