Project Renew

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Over the next 6 months, I slowly started to readjust to life without Eddie. Again. It was harder and easier this time around. Easier because I had done it already, and harder because this time he chose to leave. That’s what hurt the most and kept me up crying most nights.

Eddie missed Ivy’s first birthday. She constantly asks for him and I can't tell her anything, because I don't know anything. That was until I got the note on my door one day after work.

Ask Owens about Eddie. He knows everything. Ask him about project Renew.

What the hell? I called Nancy right away, then I called Hopper.

“Ok what the hell is this supposed to mean?” Nancy asked.

“That's why I need you to watch Ives so me and pop can go find out. I can’t go alone and they know Hopper pretty well because of the whole Russian thing, I'm pretty sure they owe him about a dozen favors.” I said, hearing the car honk outside and putting on my jacket.

“Ok, but be careful y/n, Ivy needs at least one parent.” Nancy said, still looking apprehensive.

I nodded and walked out to see not only Hopper, but Steve and Dustin as well.

“Let's go get our boy back.” Dustin said, flashing me his pearly whites.

We got to the lab in no time, Hopper breaking nearly every traffic law to do it. Who was gonna stop the sheriff for speeding? No one that's who. Walking in, I saw the same receptionist, Julie.

“Hey Julie, I need to see Owens.”

“I’m sorry, he’s..” 

“Julie, I dont give a fuck if he’s on the phone with the damn president. Get him down here. Now.”

I said, refusing to falter in my attempts. She nodded and picked up her phone, and Owens showed up minutes later. 

“We need to talk, Owens. Now. We’re not taking no for an answer. It’s about project Renew” I said, crossing my arms across my chest.

“Ok, y/n, We can talk. But only you. That's the deal if you really want the info.” Owens said, motioning to the guys behind me. I nodded and they sat down while I followed Owens to his office. Once we sat down, he tossed a file at me.

“Before you read that, I want to warn you that it's not pretty and we didn’t know if it was going to work.”

I took the file and opened it to see Eddie's picture and patient info. Owens was right, it wasn’t pretty. It was actually pretty fucking terrifying to look at. Pictures and pictures of Eddie in various states of distress, looking half dead and sicker than shit. Every picture and any info stopped a week ago. That can only mean one thing.

“What is this? What did you do to him? Is he dead?”

“First, we offered him a solution and he accepted it. And he's not dead y/n, very much alive actually.”

“I don't understand any of this. What happened to him?” I asked again. I heard the office door open behind me and I yelled at them to come back later. Owens held his hand up to whoever opened the door, but continued.

“We discovered that there may be a cure for Eddie’s condition. We didn’t know if it would work, but when we offered it to him, he took the risk.”

“Why the hell would he do that? Eddie had accepted what he is.” I said, not believing him.

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