Wayne and Blood

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Suddenly there was a knock at the door and he held Ivy closer until I answered him and told him it was Dustin. He let out the breath he was holding and relaxed.

“Bunbun!!” Ivy squealed happily, clapping her hands.

“Hey Ivybear!” Dustin smiled at her and took her from Eddie, giving him a brown bag in exchange.

“Bunbun?” Eddie asked. 

“She couldn’t say Dustin or Dusty so bunbun it is.” Dustin said, defending this nickname.

Eddie laughed and went to excuse himself but I followed, motioning to Dustin to keep an eye on Ivy. 

“Dove, what are you doing? You don’t need to see this.” Eddie said, trying to stop me.

“Eddie, This is our life now. Ours. No, I don't need to see it, but I want to.” I said, ushering him on. He relented and went into the bathroom and closed the door behind us. He took a small bottle of red powder out of the bag and went to the faucet to fill it with water, shaking it up. It looked like real blood.

“That must be the synthetic part, the powder? Add water and boom, vamp food?” I asked, wanting to make sure I had this right.

“Exactly.” Eddie replied, opening it and downing it in one go with a slight grimace.

“Does it taste bad?”

“Well it tastes like blood, so yea it's gross. But it’ll hold me over for almost a week, so that’s less time I have to do this.” He said, looking up at me. His eyes were red again.

“Eddie? Are your eyes supposed to be red right now?” I asked, getting closer to make sure he was ok.

“Yeah, it happens when I eat. It won't last long. You’re not scared?” He asked, looking at me with wide curiosity. 

“Nope.” I replied, popping the p and smiling at him.

“You’re really ok with all this huh?”

“Yup.” popping the p again. 

“Ok, I really wanna kiss you but I need to brush my teeth first. It’s bad enough I have to taste this shit, you shouldn’t have to as well.” I pulled the spare I had out of the drawer and handed it to him. Once he was done, I jumped up and kissed him.

“Hmm all better. Eyes are normal again too.” I said, kissing him again, and resting my forehead on his chest. I heard the doorbell and looked at Eddie.

“Let it begin. I told Dustin I’d wait until everyone was here before making my grand entrance, but you should go and greet them.” he said, kissing my head. I nodded and walked out of the bathroom, only to have him pull me back in.

“Hey Dove, do me a favor, hmm?”

“Sure, what's up?” 

“ As much as I love seeing you like this, could you put some pants on?” he asked and I looked down. Sure enough I was dressed in only his shirt. 

“Oh shit, that might be a good idea.” I said with a laugh. After putting said pants on, I went out to see who had shown already. My heart stopped. I saw Wayne carrying Ivy around, talking to her quietly. I turned right back to the bathroom and whipped the door open. Eddie looked up at me.

“Eddie my love, there’s someone who deserves to see you alone before anyone else. Go to my room and I'll bring them back, ok?” I said, smiling at him.

“Oh, ok sure Dove. Give me a second, kay?” he said, slightly confused. I turned and walked back to the living room, waiting to hear the bedroom door close. I looked at Dustin and nodded.

“Hey Wayne. It’s so good to see you. Can you help me real quick, something is wonky with my lamp in my room.” I asked sweetly.

“Sure kid, lead the way.” he replied, carrying Ivy with him. I took her from him before opening the door. As soon as she saw him, Ivy called for her daddy, grabbing at him. He walked over to take her, finally seeing Wayne. They just stood there, shocked and staring at each other.

“Eddie? Is that really you boy?” Wayne asked, tears freely falling.

“Yea Unc, it's really me.” Eddie said, handing Ivy back to me and wrapping his arms around his uncle.

“How is this possible? Didn’t you die in the earthquake?” Wayne asked, turning Eddie around to get a good look at him. 

“Well technically, yes” Eddie replied and I took that as my cue to leave them alone. I closed the door behind me, walking me and Ivy back to the living room to await everyone else that was coming.

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