Welcome home

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“DADDY!!” Ivy yelled and ran into his arms. Eddie wrapped his arms around her like he never wanted to let her go. “Oh sweet Ives, I’ve missed you so much. I’m sorry I was gone so long.” Eddie said, carrying her to the couch and letting her snuggle as close to him as she could get. They stayed like that, even feeding her dinner in his lap. I was glad Ivy had her daddy back, but I wasn't sure if I had MY Eddie back. I didn’t know if we could ever be us again

I know we both wanted it, but so much has happened and some I might not be able to get past, no matter how much I wanted to ignore it and just be us again. I saw Eddie get up out of the corner of my eye and looked at him.

“She’s passed out, I'm gonna go put her to bed and then we’ll figure out the sleeping situation.” He said, walking her to her room. Shit, I didn't even think of that. I didn’t have an actual couch, just 2 loveseats and a recliner. Eddie came back, holding his pillow and a blanket.

“So I figure I’ll just cash out here and eventually I’ll get a cot or something and sleep in Ivys’ room. If that's ok?” He said, putting his things on the loveseat.

“Eddie, there’s no way you can get comfortable out here.” I said, knowing his easily 6 foot self would be cramped no matter where he slept out here.

“It’s fine, Dove. You set boundaries and I'm not going to push them, okay? Plus, even on the loveseat I’ll be more comfortable than I have been in the last 6 months.” he said, laying down, his legs dangling over one end. I just nodded and went to my room, deciding to shower before going to bed. The hot water felt amazing until I put my hand under the water to wash my hair, screaming a bit from the pain. I heard pounding on the bathroom door seconds later.

“Dove? You ok? I’m coming in, ok?” Eddie said, slowly opening the door in case I told him no. I opened the shower curtain a bit and showed him my hand, which was now freely bleeding again.

“Hot water must have opened it up again. I’ll be ok, just gonna be a little hard to shower with one hand is all.” I said with a small chuckle. 

“I can help, if you’ll let me?” he said and I knew what he meant, and I nodded. He stripped down and got behind me in the shower, making sure he didn’t get too close. He started by washing my hair and I made a small noise, not meaning to but it felt nice. Eddie let out a sigh behind me.

“Sorry Eds, I forgot how nice it felt having you wash my hair.” I said.

“It’s ok, I missed doing it for you.” he said, humming lightly. After my hair was done, he cleared his throat and I turned to look at him.

“Are you uhm, gonna need help with, you know, washing everything else?” he asked, gesturing to my body.

“Uh, if it’s not too much trouble? I get it if you can’t or don't want to.” I said, trying to keep my eyes on his and not look down.

“No, it’s ok, I just don't wanna make you uncomfortable, that's all. Please, let me.” he said, getting my wash rag and body wash together. Considering how close he was to my body, I had to close my eyes and try not to look at the man on his knees in front of me, taking care of me like I was royalty. Eddie took his time, making sure he cleaned every part, but stopping between my legs. He looked up and I finally had to look down and tell him it was ok. He nodded and continued. Normally this would drive me insane, but I just felt loved.

“There, all done. Anything else I can help with?” he asked.

“Well, I know this might be weird, but could you braid my hair?”

“Of course Dove. Let me just finish showering and I'll meet you in your room.Okay?” he said

“Okay. Thank you Eds.” I said,  wrapping myself in a towel and going to my room, letting him finish his shower. I got dressed in one of the tshirts he left here and a pair of shorts. His shirts were always more roomy and comfortable than mine so I didn't even give it a second thought when I put it on. Eddie came out in just a low sitting pair of pajama pants and no shirt, drying his hair with his towel, scars still very visible. He stopped when he saw me and a small smile danced on his lips.

“What?” I asked, feeling myself start to smile.

“Hmm? Nothing Dove. Let’s get that hair braided, yea?” He said, moving to sit behind me on the bed and draping his legs on either side of me. I handed him my brush and a hair tie, indicating that I wanted just one braid.

“French or fishtail?” he asked, starting to brush my hair out.

“French please.” I said. “You got it, Dove.” He said, and I could hear his smile. Eddie took his time brushing and braiding in an attempt to spend more time with me, and I can't say I didn't mind. I missed when he used to do little things like this, just because he enjoyed doing it for me. 

When he was done, he placed a kiss to the back of my head and went to move, but I stopped him.

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