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I woke up hours later, alone in bed. I wanted to cry because I knew it had all been a dream, but I knew I had to keep my composure for Ivy. I heard her cooing and got up to get her up for the day, getting dressed in one of Eddie’s old band shirts. I couldn’t believe it still smelled like him over a year later. Once I opened my bedroom door I heard him again , talking to Ivy.

“Did I ever tell you that I call your mama Dove because when she gets shy, she coos like a dove. Looks like it might be genetic, huh? That's right sweet girl, you're just like your mama. I'm sorry daddy hasn’t been here, but I’m not going anywhere now, I promise. Let’s get you dressed and we’ll go get some coffee made. Got some company coming that can’t wait to see you!”

I couldn’t help but cry. It was real. I had my Eddie back and he was such a good daddy already. I tried to sneak in to watch them and when I rounded the corner he had Ivy on her changing table, getting her dressed and making her giggle.

“Uh oh Ives, looks like mama’s awake already. Let's go give her morning kisses.” he said, turning around to see me, smiling with tears in my eyes. I took Ivy and Eddie kissed my head.

“I told you I wasn't going anywhere Dove. I meant it, ok? No more sad tears, ok?” He said, wiping my tears away with the pads of his thumbs. Kissing me softly, he pulled us both in for a hug. I buried my face in his side, taking in his familiar scent. Ivy started getting fussy, breaking me out of the spell this man had over me.

“Hi baby! Are you hungry? Let’s get you some food. Wait, did you say there’s people coming over? Who?” I asked as I put Ivy in her highchair and giving her some fresh fruit to eat.

“Uh yea, Dustin thought it would be a good idea to see how I did with you and after I told him it was good, he decided it was time  for the big reveal.” he said, looking less than enthused. 

“Who all knows about you? Aside from me, Dustin and El?” I asked, starting to make coffee.

“No one and I'm not quite sure how many people are gonna be here. I’m sorry Dove.”

“Hey, it’s ok. I can’t expect to be able to keep you all to myself. But we don’t have to do this yet if you don't want to. You look apprehensive.” I said, offering him a cup of coffee.

“No it’s ok Dove. I uh, haven’t ‘eaten’ yet and im waiting for Dustin to get here with it.” he said, rolling the cup between his hands.

“Ah, ok. I get that. Anything I can do to help until he gets here?” I asked, hopping up on the counter and giving Ivy more fruit. Eddie looked at me and laughed. 

“Wow Dove, your bloodthirsty boyfriend tells you he's hungry and you’re not the least bit worried that I’ll try and eat you?” he asked and I shook my head.

“Nope, not one bit. I trust you Eddie. With our lives.” as i said that, Ivy started reaching for Eddie

“Dada! Up up!” 

“Holy crap! She called me dada!” he said, picking her up and spinning her around and laughing.

My heart was melting.  I don't know if it was from everyone telling her about him or because he’s been here to see her every night for who knows how long, but she knows who her daddy is. Watching him dance around the kitchen with her made me happier than I'd been in over a year.

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