New life

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The ride to the lab was quiet and tension filled. In normal Eddie fashion, his hand stayed glued to my thigh, rubbing comforting circles on my skin. He’d look over a few times shooting me an apprehensive smile. Walking in, the receptionist looked at Eddie and back down to her appointment book.

“Eddie, you aren’t scheduled today. Is everything ok?”

“I’m not sure Julie, but I, we need to see the doctor. Now please. It’s really urgent.” he replied and she could sense his panic, so she called the doc and a few minutes later he showed up.

“Well this is a nice surprise Eddie. You must be y/n. I’m doctor Owens. Follow me.” he said and led us to a sickeningly clean room.

“So what do I owe the pleasure today? Is something wrong Eddie?” Dr. Owens asked, looking him over.

“I'm fine doc. We’re here for her.” Eddie replied, taking my hand.

“We don't usually treat ‘normal’ people Eddie, you know this.”

“Yeah I know, but uh, she’s pregnant.” Eddie said. I looked up at the doctor and saw his eyes go wide. 

“Are we sure?”

I showed him the tests and he nodded.

“Y/n, would you consent to a few tests? Nothing harmful to you or the baby, I promise. I’m just curious as to what we’re dealing with here.” Owens asked, and I nodded, because I was curious myself.

“You swear you wont hurt her or the baby?” Eddie asked, holding me down from getting up.

“I promise Eddie. You have to understand that this could change so many things. You being here at all is unprecedented, but fathering a child seemed impossible. I know you wouldn’t have come to me unless you wanted answers, so let's see what we can figure out. They’re perfectly safe.” Owens said, reassuring us both that his intent was not to harm us, but help us. 

He called for his nurse and told her to bring the blood draw supplies and an ultrasound machine. Eddie had to excuse himself during the blood draw which i understood, and the nurse put a weird salve on it after.

“It’ll stop the blood and cover the smell, making it easier for Eddie to come back in. It won't take long for any results to come back, we have a pretty amazing lab team.” she said, seeing me confused as to what it was and patting my shoulder. I nodded and waited for Eddie and Owens to come back in, feeling very overwhelmed.

“Ok Dove? Did she hurt you?” Eddie asked as soon as he came back in.

“I’m ok baby. No, she didn’t hurt me. I'm just feeling very scared and emotional. I’ll be ok, promise.” I said, resting my head on his shoulder. He started humming, knowing it helped me calm down. I must have dozed off because I woke up to a machine being brought into the room. It didn’t look like any ultrasound machine I'd ever seen and it must have shown in my face, because Owens chuckled a little.

“I promise this machine will show us that sweet little baby, It’ll just show us much more than a normal ultrasound machine would.” I nodded and got up on the table, the nurse lifting the bottom of my shirt to apply the ultrasound gel. Eddie perched himself at my side, holding my hand and giving me a reassuring smile. 

Soon enough, the nurse applied the wand to my belly and we instantly heard the whooshing and strong heartbeat of our baby. I looked over at the screen and saw the little bean.

“Strong heartbeat this one. That's good news. Everything looks perfect, nothing to worry about here. Let’s get some pictures and get the doc back in here, ok?” she said, smiling at us.

“Can you tell the sex of the baby yet?” Eddie asked.

“Not quite yet dad. A few more months before we can see that.” she replied, cleaning up the gel and walking out with the machine.

I sat up and just looked at Eddie. I could see a smile on his face, which made me smile. I gave his hand a squeeze and he looked at me and I could see tears in his eyes. He moved his chair so that he was sitting in front of me and rested his head on my belly. 

“I can hear the heartbeat so well like this. It’s so crazy Dove. Is this really happening? Are we having another baby?”

“Looks like it love.” I replied, running my hands through his hair as he listened to our baby moving around inside me. Finally Owens came back in with a giant smile.

“Ok, guys. Looking at the blood tests and ultrasound results, everything looks great! The baby is perfectly healthy and human. You’re just over 3 months along and right where you need to be as it pertains to growth. If you don’t mind, I’d like to have you back once a month to recheck and make sure everythings still going well. We can take care of all the prenatal and birth details. It’ll be different dealing with a human birth, but we can handle it. Congrats to you both.” Owens said, handing us the ultrasound pictures and walking out.

“Healthy human baby. Thank god for that.” Eddie said, looking at the pictures. 

“Would it have been so bad if it wasn’t human?” I asked.

“I don’t know Dove. Wait a minute, 3 months along?” he asked.

“Yup, which means I got pregnant the night you came back.” I said with a smile.

Eddie smiled wide and hugged me hard. When I grunted he pulled away.

“Sorry Dove, I forget how strong I've gotten. You ok?”

“I’m fine, just winded me a bit. Let’s get home and tell everyone the good news, hmm?” I said.

Eddie nodded and walked us out to the receptionist to make appointments for the next 6 months. The drive home was less quiet, Eddie going a mile a minute, not even trying to contain his excitement. Once we got home, we noticed our friends' cars lining the driveway and street.

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