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"something on your mind?.." she asked softly "you know him and yes he's my father but call social services first please.." I begged her "your lucky am breaking rules for you.." she sighed i nod as I put my sleeve down the door opens I keep my head down "in a moment kiddo..ararya your free to leave.." she smiled nervously he's done something to her I looked up to him his friends must be outside I walked outside "tell me what he does with my mother?" I asked guy 1 who Ignores me I take his phone slamming it on the floor "you bitch!.." he said pissed off "what does to my mother?.." i asked him he rolls his eyes "just a simple threat you act just like him.." guy 2 speaks smirking as I heard them words I felt like I was gonna throw up "I'll get you a new phone.." I looked back to dude 1 then walked away as I thought but getting pulled back "dude she's busy getting me a new phone.." guy 1 said to the beast "where is he?.." beast asked I ignore him "don't make me ask twice.." he asked lower..growling I looked over feeling tears in my eyes "ahhh so powerless what will she do now?..cry?.." bitch laughed I ripped my arm from him looking at her "no that's you if you don't fucking leave me alone if you hate having the whole school at your knees literally move away.." I said really pissed off "w-wow now that's something" she holds her chest i turned around to him "fuck off and leave me and everyone I know alone you didn't wanna kill me but you kill eveyone I know just so am at your side? not happening so leave me alone!" I said pissed off I held her arm staring at him "ahh..l-let go f-freak!.." she asked I looked I looked at her I let go "what the actual? F-.." I asked myself confused "did try and help you.." beast said bored I looked at him "I don't need your help.." I said still confused then go to walk out but he holds my arm "your helpless without me stay till school is over.." he asked I moved his hand away "am going home.." I told him since one of his pets will follow me there and inform him to tell him about my father "go on tell him then.." I turned around to one of them there I cross my arms "can't since you broke my are you gonna pay for my new one?.." he asked walking in i rolled my eyes and lead him upstairs "there's a thing called saving money a human thing.." I said lifting a broken floorboard underneath my bed and taking out a box that's quite large "am not-..right continue" he asked I give him the box "am not as mean as you think especially not worse then 'beast'.." he opens it taking a few hundreds then goes back downstairs "he's upstairs sleeping dick.." I pulled him to my fathers room I put away my money in my pocket quite impossible to get it out unless your forcing it out

I wait for him the the other two walk over "upstairs on your left.." i muttered after getting a random text I looked at the message

'Your getting the hang of this?' I said out loud confused "we can here you from the inside.." another slave said as beast went in ages ago i nod oh shit..I looked up at slave 1 "does beast know?..that I know about something I just found out?" I asked him confused "yes.." beast walks downstairs I looked over surprised he ain't all bloody "learnt your lesson?..why not bloody?.." I asked him "don't ask questions you don't want the answers to.." he said softly before walking passed "I asked the question?..curiosity gets the best of me I wanna know!" I hound him he turns to me "would you run if I was?.." he asked "no..I already seen you as a wolf and human bloody don't think I forgive you for helping me.." I explain "who said to forgive me?.." he leaned forward showing me his fangs "my brain or are you gonna eat that along with my lungs?" I asked him walking on "starting to regret it?.." slave 2 laughed "I don't regret anything but she will might change that.." he said pissed I turned to him " should get you all angry and pissed off for murdering my brother you deal with the pain I felt as long I live.." i explain "who put you in charge?.." he walked up to me "..." I just ignore him staring at him "she's planning your murder..." slave 1 laughed his head off beast turns me around and pushes me slightly to keep walking I rolled my eyes and do follow them home

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