Secrets above all

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Back at home, watching the sunset on my rock "lean your head on me, tell me your problems" he asked I do just that but the problems "your just gonna tell beast anyways" i mutter "I get it, it's weird for us two were just used to the three of us then you came along" kylo strokes my back "mhmm, still don't get the fact he had to turn my family and I survived as they died" I explain "the women in your family survived we just had to kill the men, your long in our generations I had to" beast explains kylo leaves I looked down at my dress "your gonna have to have kids to carry out the generation and them having kids to carry out there's and so on it's been going on for years, centuries" beast explains I jump down and hug him "stop treating me like some kid that's all I ask of you" I whispered to him then pulled away walking away back to the house
After hunting food, with them eating and talking kylo involves me in the conversation at time to time I just keep it short talk "not hungry?" beast asked I looked up at him and slide the plate to him "ooook what's going on?" Auther asked "nothing" i mutter stabbing the table with my dagger "you..sure? looks like you wanna talk about your troubles?" kylo asked I take my dagger out and got up walking away going outside but more wolves welcome them selves the guys from Eler I walked backwards gripping onto my dagger tighter as one drags me to the others "let go of her!" beast shouts "definitely nothing going on between them both" i heard kylo "right?" Arther joins I stab the dude leg and turned around slicing his head I glared at the others as my eyes glow "BABY NO!" The human screams crying I threw my dagger at her trapping her to the wall with the dagger in her throat not moving my eyes of the leader "your feral little dove ain't you are you on your girly day month?" leader jokes i Tilt my head slighly "araya don't think about it" kylo said moving infront of me taking my dagger out my hand I stepped over the dead guy taking my daggers back "I wouldn't leave if I were you" leader warns me I ignore him I catch something he threw and threw it back to the guards outside he brought staring at them all "kill your alpha" I compell them they all walked inside I pulled one back "give him a message before you die, never try and use me bait again" I compelled one he walks away I went to my rock to calm down and gain control instead of the wolf inside

Beast poverty

all his guards walk in attacking him "she has a message for you" one spoke i payed attention to him "never try and use her as bait again" he said I raised my eyebrows surprised she's a fast learner "kylo go to her space and bring her back arther you help me with the bodies" I ordered everyone "am hear because I heard a little birdie you was gonna kill me? after all the help I gave you?" he asked "you heard right" i growl at him "yeah do it now and add to the pile of dead beat werewolves?" Arther asked I ignore him and tare him from body part to body part "better hope she liked that, or back to being enemies with her" arther whispers then drags out a body I looked up with araya there leaning on the side of the door frame kylo helps with the bodies "need help?" she cleared her throat and walked over sooo that's a no I can hear your heart racing out your chest she takes the human and her boyfriend out I closed my eyes I help the others digging them in a ditch around an abandoned building

"Kylo!" She screams my ears you dick "beware I may have taken her clothes" he laughs as she walks out in her towel she holds tight onto it "give them! now!" she asked "where are they?" I looked over to him "mood killers...the both of you" he points at us both then walks away he walks back with the clothes and throws them at her which she catches that towel will fall if she grip onto it "what is going on with you both recently? she's been kinder and you've been accepting?" arther walks in confused "when she hugged me she asked to stop treating her like a child am doing just that" I explain to them as I sat down "right and all of sudden she's 'grown woman' and your response is yes she is? why because she can kill now? it's only breaking her more if you haven't noticed she uses the hot water full max because she can't get warm why you ask?"-"she's nervous yes I know that ain't gonna change" i interrupted him "so you want her constantly nervous and my skin burning because I keep forgetting the water is burning hot?" kylo complains "for fuck sake! araya?" I asked her she walks over "when you leave the shower could you turn it down?" I asked her she nods then leaves "not that fucking hard!" I stand up then walked away "your making me more confused the fuck just happened? no her talking back? that's it? No arguments? that 'hug' must be very...something for her to- I don't even know" arther said eating I glare at him "no I'm not gonna shut up tell me we're not holding secrets all of the sudden because of her she wants to hear she can" arther puts down his food and cross his arms

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