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"Arthur?" she asked the first time she says his name I looked over as he turned around facing her "I was joking but are you actually?.." she asked him actually what? "No, but anything to get away from you" he continued walking to his room "what's peaked your interest?" kylo asked sitting next to me "nothing.." I got up leaving on my bike to Shannon's party breaking some rules but I don't give two shits about stop signs or whatever I know where am going I break making the bike driving on one wheel once I accelerated on the trigger getting there quicker spotting cars parked around the property I lift the lever down so the bike stands up on its own

walking in, music loud, people chatting and making out on the couch or near the entrance "your alone?" A girls voice behind me I looked over my shoulder kadie "where's your mate Shan?" I asked her "upstairs feeding.." she replied I nod I walked away going upstairs I knocked on "who is it?" she asked "Leon.." I sighed "come in.." she asked I opened the door then closed it behind me "that could've waited..get ready" I asked her with a guy unconscious on her bed as she's feeding on his neck "mhmm, no" she pulls away getting up of the bed in laundre "you haven't ate in ages by the looks of that, why?" I asked her as she's in the bathroom "haven't had time to feed it.." she said over the shower that she turned on yeah well looks like you will later the guy wakes up I walked over to him compelling him to forget, had to much to drink then bandage his neck then he leaves

Eventually once she's ready "just me or the girls as well? in whatever you came for?" she asked as she's walking out "your babysitting a newbie.." I sat on her bed "another? how many does he want you to turn?" she asked "she's born just recently turned, second time since he had some reckless ones which she killed impressively" i explained "oh?" She smiled "what?" I asked her confused "iv just never heard you speak so much about a girl.." she sat on my lap sorting my hair "don't start, had enough of that at home" I pushed her off "she a handful?" Shannon asked "no idea I need out the house and I don't trust anyone else" I stand up "midnight run..take her with you..or is she still sickness?" she sat up "worse then you, hates it completely" I walked out with her fallowing "girl you need to sort that out,that's bad" Laura points out at the dude she bit and I had to compel "I will, babysitting born, get the other girls.." she asked as we're going downstairs I wait outside


Araya's gone missing, something freaked her out ran out the window..wolf


Shit! I'm at Shannon's the girls will look around the property I'll be there




the girls walk out "woah you ok?.." Shannon stopped me her hand on my chest "arayas gone missing as a wolf" I explain she nods "we'll get looking, go" she asked I get my keys of kadie I catch them going back to my bike

Spotting the others in my mirror behind me I slowed down, on one wheel speeding through the traffic feeling my heart race again, please be at the spot..who ever spooked you will pay i slow down on the property parking the bike just outside walking inside "where?" I asked kylo he leads me to her room "both of them?" I looked over to the smashed window "she was here also?, i forgot" kylo admits fuck sake i walked out the room "human also on the loose, don't kill her it's arayas friend split yourselfs cover every part possible.." I asked the girls spotting Clare covered in blood rushing in out of breath "where is she?" I asked pushing passed Laura and Shannon "I lost her..her dad is alive and tried killing her.." she collapsed I held her up Arther takes her off me so that's what spooked her I rushed out the door transforming as am running hurts like a fucker!

sniffing out arayas sent as much as possible looking around as am at a dead end orange eyes staring back at me, fur blending in to the darkness


she looks away I looked also spotting bright, smoke,a fire, I spot the girls surrounding around circling in hearing a twig snap there's more of them am going after him I need to keep her safe I howl to alert everyone the guy gets spooked and turned around his eyes onto mine as I stepped out of the shadows "there you are..ruined my daughters life I was waiting for you" he clocks his shotgun I growl at him something quickly jumps over me knocking his gun out his hand as araya is above him I walked up to her pushing her away she growls at me I ignore her kylo takes her dad as he's human

"don't be mad at me I need questions of him"

"Questions? let me kill him!" She growled

"Not everything is solved kill after kill" I growled back

"This animal isn't for saving people either since you've failed at that.." she left

"sure seems like something was going one" Shannon said

"Nothing happened.." I slowly went back home changing into bask into human, another pair of clothes ruined great after changing I went to the basement where she's in the room with kylo and the others as he's tied to the outside of the cell "a chair?" I asked kylo "wasn't me" he raised his arms I looked over to Arthur who's shaking his head I know it wasn't you dick, what's on her mind he rolls his eyes and looks over in her direction "mixed..loads of anger but also sadness..she wants him dead" he cleared his throat I looked behind me "the other girls are settling in, and she's a handful where?" Shannon asked walking in with Laura and kadie I looked over "come, I wanna know you, how you've peaked Leon's interest.." she asked for araya who doesn't move "kiddo.." kylo asked she looked up at him then Shannon "your one of them.." she avoided eye contact with me her dad wakes up gasping I looked over

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