Won no victories yet

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Weeks passed without me or kallius speaking since that day but because I haven't said anything don't mean it's not on my mind because it has not stopped whenever I see him and it's obvious that he's not been himself either.The other two kylo and Arthur want the news but nobody is spilling or can't for the matter since one is listening to the other I'm even eating at the table with them all I don't want to be here but my heart is attached if that ain't obvious I don't know what is "your staying out your room?" kylo asked who's smiling away I rolled my eyes "laugh it up" I take the bowl off him "I'm not gonna laugh it's just one hug that happened loads of times that got you attached" that ain't the reason and you know it ain't "she ain't gonna spill the gossip.." Arthur walked in I shuffle up eating a kicked wing "but come on tell us he ain't listening if he's asleep" something opposite don't try that on me "no" I made that clear the first time "they won't stop bothering till they know" kallius I looked up "ahh would you look at that" kylo just had to ruin it I throw a chip at him "bitch I was supporting" he sat down beside Arthur which I looked up at Arthur who's smirking hate that grin your definitely plotting something I ain't gonna like "oh my god iv got it!" kylo jumps up and down giggling like a bird I looked at kallius confused who shrugs I sip my drink "YOU TWO FUCKED!" which set me off coughing the fuck? no! and am still choking
finally stopped dying from that disaster "no and don't do that again" I point my fork at him "then tell us what the fuck happened on the beach" he asked as kallius hand moved to my thigh "no end of discussion" I looked down hiding my face knowing I'll start blushing soon I spot kallius texting me which I turned my phone around then sip my drink the noise on table is quiet but the buz on my phone which I turned it off completely "might need to turn that back on.." kallius said then leaves I looked up confused as he's leaving I looked towards the other two who shrug I turned my phone back on and got up to his room knocking on which he opened and moved to the side closed it behind me as I walked in he shows me his phone someone took a public picture of us both "sent it to everyone?" I asked him "he will if I don't take the deal" he replied I swiped down "he's dead?" I replied confused "that's the issue who is it and why don't he know" he pants back and forth in the room okay I stud up from his bed and kissed him which he pulls me back I wrapped my arms around his neck then he picks me up onto his dresser "kallius..." I pulled him away before we both get to carried away with something we might regret about later "shit"I turned him around "HEY! quit it!" I cup his face "we'll sort it meet him at the grave and see what happens then.." I sort his hair which he just ruffles it smiling at me he pecks my cheek then leaves great "a kiss?" Arthur walks in "that was a peck on the cheek so.." I point at him "no I meant before that you two..making out" he said smiling away which I crossed my arms "how long am I gonna have to tolerate this baby behaviour?" I asked kylo "till it ends with you and beast oh sorry you say his actual name now don't you?" Kylo joins in brilliant "love this guys so on my side ain't you liars" I point at them both which they both laugh I walked around them to the dining table eating away am still hungry so I even take some of kallius chips "ah hands off!" Kallius held my arm which I looked up at him "you killed him!" I pulled my arm away "no?" he sat down "he punched me so I punched him back and removed the photo along with everyone from his contacts" he explains "from a punch? with that amount of blood?" I asked "I got hungry on the way" he replied looking at me smiling lucky you cunt I shoved his face away "now look who can't keep there hands off" kallius smirks eating away "WHAT!" Both kylo and Arthur screamed shocked "oh so we're doing that now?" I asked looking over to him "I was waiting for you to start but guess you were never gonna tell them was you?" He asked "fuck no because you can't hit or kill these two unlike that dude" I explained "they won't tell anyone I trust them..right guys?" he just gonna be an idiot neither of them answer "told you but since you started it off I'll finish it Arthur you remember that shock that happened earlier? We'll before that we was just sitting here you was wondering what message he sent me wasn't you?" I asked him "more bothered about his hand on your thigh but yeah" knew it was obvious hate blushing I show him smiling away to kallius "shit...definitely not what I expected" kylo jokes I rolled my eyes "I didn't" Arthur admits I looked at him confused "so I was right?" he smiled I rolled my eyes "right about what?" kallius grips on my thigh then tightens his grip and relaxes like stroking up and down on my shoulder but my knee "the make-out sesh in your room..how long has been going on?" it hasn't "the whole time"-I looked at him confused no it fucking hasn't I wish but nothing happened "so you count the glaring, staring when I walk passed or talk to kylo and Arthur for the 4 weeks? as to making out? sure okay.." I got my empty plate and stud up which he held his arm out in-front forcing me to sit down "they knew I was joking" you don't joke about "exactly what she said" Arthur points at me "she didn't say anything?" kylo said to him "shit I really need to quit doing that.." Arthur smirked which I looked over "walls araya.." kallius takes my plate along with his getting up yeah I don't know how to be sweet with two babies infront of me "and it's true I don't joke about with most things" no shit "most things? you never have since iv been here" i think anyways "going beach?" Arthur followed not anymore am not "no.." I walked the opposite direction which he pulls me towards the path of the beach "all your gonna do is stare at the water be tempted to go in but don't and sit back towards the wall someone is gonna intervene and then you go bed thinking how much you want kallius" he explains "got it right till the end I don't need a human being when I have graffie" I smiled at him "and am the baby? Okay" he smiled then left

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