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A week passed by.
And let's say everyone's got their happy ending Wolf girl and Arthur finally got together after he begged her to give them a chance, Alicia has..come here with kylo from time to time they ain't quiet about it either but it's good they found each other thanks to the duh whilst on that subject I think the magic isn't for myself he's all about sex but he's trying to make a difference for us it's clear but I can't love something pure so we're on rocks but all that matters is everyone is happy so I'll keep my negativity a distance from them all "girl you alright?..usually it's lover boy I see in here not you?" Clare asked, "am fine..bonnie on his way with the little one?" I asked her "Don't change the subject your hurt and sad covering it with a mask of smiles choke it up" Alicia asked "am not changing any subject I like cooking so am doing that and just asking Clare a harmless question which you still haven't answered" I continue chopping the onions "I think she's angry it's the onions making her sad" Clare points out the obvious "yeah now I see it when he enters the room you leave or ignore him what's going on?" Alicia asked I dropped the knife sighing "She might explode" Clare whispered "Araya?" Alicia pushes " can someone who treats me like am some toy I get he's trying so..hard to change but it shouldn't be this hard and take so much time if he loves you back knew I rushed into it but you and Clare.." can take whatever pace you want without getting judged or feeling shocked when you just kissed someone I can't lead it on any longer than it already has he isn't's the case of right person wrong time

"Araya?" Clare asked "Keep an eye on the spaghetti and the sauce" I took the apron off "shit you sure you want this?" Alicia asked I looked back at him I don't know do I? "No stop I have to you know the saying you tell me all the time 'right person wrong time'? that's what this is and am gonna wait for that perfect moment however long it takes" I removed her grip from my wrist "You idiot"-"Leave her it won't last he'll know his mistakes eventually" Clare interrupted Alyisha I went around the couch to the couples and dragged callous with me "the pad?" Arthur shouts I grabbed it off him and then threw it to kylo which he caught we went outside away from everyone "You alright? You have that...focused face on?" because I have to be other I won't do what am I about to do "shush and listen...I see that you're trying your hardest to change"-

kylo poverty

"How long do you reckon this is gonna last?" I asked Arthur "She looks serious is scary.." I avoid his question I don't know if she can hear me or not am not getting into shit "A week tops" Arthur answers "You crazy? 2 months dude you've never paid attention have you? all her built-up anger, and suppressed feelings went to him for years he just took it he'll snap out any moment" I looked over to him "Nah he had worse things than this 'Yeah the sex is good but I don't love you' bullshit" Arthur you have no heart I were "nope he's gonna explode just not the way you expect" Alicia hugs me from behind "make out or shouting?" I asked her "Ah that.." she said I looked over oh hurting each other did not see that coming "Could use your support" I looked at Arthur who rolled his eyes "ENOUGH!" he shouted I walked over pulling her away "this yours?" I asked Clare who nods I leave them two alone better not burn the fucking food I'm starving

Araya poverty
"I hate him 'am sorry I can't fulfil your expectations' the fuck? I wasn't asking for much just wanted you to love me the same way I did but no all you were asking for 'so no sex now I'll be tomorrow because am a greedy fucking pig!" I explained chopping up some vegetables 'D-dude no poor carrots are getting enough hated don't think you wanna be a part of that food in peace's..or you do lovely nice knowing you man" kylo said 'that what you see me as? like, am treating you like some fuck around toy? you want it as much"-"No I fucking don't! and I can't even stop it you know out of everyone else about my life and not even about the fucking sex..that's only part of it" I mumble the last words placing the vegetables with the sauce "Well same goes for you..knowing mine" that I heard from others not from yourself who knows what story is true

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