Parental control

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once beast is injecting,both arther and kylo held father back Carlo grip tightens I looked over to the door "who's that?" Carlo asked "his father.." i mutter hearing a screech which I looked over to beast in-paling father with the white oak all walked out the cage "might want him outside headless.." I warned them which they drag him outisde his head next to his body i pulled beast back just as fathers body inflamed burning into ashes "now I see why the white oak is important.." beast mutters "do more on your reading.." I looked over next to me which Carlo gone I walked back inside with his father and Carlo talking I walked over "that's hungry?" I pulled Carlo away "am not a bad guy in your story araya, quit making me look like one" he said I stopped and turned around "I will never forgive you for the shit you make me do,have to worry about, you are the bad guy in my story don't forget that.." Carlo pulls me away "your eyes.." Carlo whispers "here.." arther passed graffie he's staying I placed him on the couch next to beast I wasn't lying about getting me a new one if there's a peck of blood on it

"Training..block every single voice out hear any heartbeat other then mine.." I asked him he takes a breathe in then out slowly I raised my hand stopping kylo exiting Carlos eyes opened sharply I followed him lowering my hand campers ahead on private property idiots "slow and direct.." he whispered basically I raise my arm allowing him go first then lower "what if they have kids?" he asked I looked over "warn them out of the property we don't go for them.." I looked back at Carlo who we both walked over to the family "this is private property pack your things and leave" I asked I shake my head to Carlo who disappeared into the woods I walked over helping them carry there things into their car "thank you.." the woman smiled I smiled back they leave I turned around seeing kylo there "we would of adopted the child.." turning it into you no am not ruining that family "there's no room.." I walked around him "why do you hate me?, you trusted me the most now all the sudden your being cold?" he asked I looked at my arm from his grip which he removes "I hate everyone get used to it" I walked away spotting a little stick hut which I walked over to nobody inside I looked around seeing a kid run and Carlo chasing shit I ran over to him stopping him infront "it's a kid..there's a couple not far off" I placed my hand on his chest

grabbing a stick on the floor or a branch then throw it to the male Carlo followed the sent of blood I slowly followed behind grabbing the female wrist covering her mouth and bite into her neck her scream is muttered I pulled my hand away onto her left shoulder once I pulled away she collapsed I looked up at Carlo who does the same "now burying?" he asked I nod

cleaned the blood off my chin and throat walking inside but Carlo holds me back I looked over "a kid? forgot there child we'll call social workers" I held my hand out which the child hesitated at first but takes my hand "on there way 20 minutes" Carlo said I nod I wait outside with him till they arrived I stud up "you sure?" Carlo asked I nod "not staying here deserves better" the kid leaves with them one walked over "are you rel"-"no relations to him was in the woods on a walk and found him brought him here" I cleared my throat interrupting them who nods "had a fire?" she just keeps asking after asking "had some extra wood laying around thought to burn them" I looked on my left with beast there "problems miss?" he asked her "we'll send the boy to a good family" she replied then leaves as so was i but he held me back I looked at my arm to his grip tightening I looked up at him "quit ignoring me got a problem with me say it" where to start "let go" I asked him which he does "don't blame I killed your brother because he's right next to you got any more excuses?" seriously? "Dragging me into this life,biting me, forcing me to turn in a fucking cell but not only that in-front of everyone 'because it's traditional' I don't give two shits if it is or not, constantly around me not allowing me to breathe.." not all of the problems but that will hopefully reach into that brain of his as I went to walk inside he pulls me back again "the traditional turn is a one time thing I didn't ask for it either, sorry that I care if some bitch runs around clueless not knowing what there doing"-"not my problem I didn't fucking ask for any of this shit to happen born or turned.." I pushed him away "am not fucking done!" he shouts as I walked away well I am with you and everything "araya!" I turned around "shut the fuck up!" I shout back then turned back around walking on the edge of the woods to my safe space the thinking rock am not running anywhere not like I can anyways 'sorry I care' like fuck you do
hearing a stick snap I looked over Arthur "don't have to talk" he raised his hands surrendering "or reading my mind and report back to that cunt" I looked back into the distance "best entertainment I had in years if you were a human you would have been dead already" he cleared his throat walking over "wish I was dead buried 10 feet underground.." I take a breathe in then out looking at my nails "don't think that way"-"why? not like it's ever gonna happen with him constantly around, kylo or even you" I looked over to him "I get why you hate him but not even kallias can control everything with his dad he's like you stuck in the middle being controlled by his dad some might be because of your actions recently miss killer.." enough with that name he smiles "I just want a break from everything even if it's a day or an hour should be a tradition to be free for a day not fucking being experimented in a cell.." i mutter "come back once your ready, food will be done soon.." I looked over to him as he leaves I reach over getting graffie "if you was in my shoes what would you do?" I asked the stuffed animal but only silent "same buddy.." I turned the dog facing opposite direction of me I looked up at the large lake in the distance trees surrounding sun shining onto it seeing it glistening

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