Got it all

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Back at the place only to smell blood all over like it was lingering "your eyes" kylo said "there's a lot of blood" I admit then turned around catching the arrow then looked over "vampires" Arthur growled "no" Kallias grabbed his arm I dropped the dagger and went to esme and Clare "knew you shouldn't of brought her here" I looked around as we're surrounded "we'll take the child and the human lives" a voice I know very well "Carlo?" Clare also knows he steps out the shadows how hes out in sun sure does surprise me "she's part vampire" as if she is "you ain't gonna turn her into one of you she's gonna live a human life with her mother" I stepped forward he glared at me I glow my eyes at him "you two enough" Arthur asked "where's the dickhead of the alpha?" I asked which non answer to "sour stomach?" I asked him "your looking at him" one vampire said I point at Carlo which the vampire nods I laugh "ahh no wonder your all out of control you ain't taking esme" I looked back at Carlo "it's the law parents only right?" he asked the fuck is he talking about? "She didn't tell you? awe I thought you two was best buddies"-I strangle him looking over to her "he's lying it was once and never again I told you about it" Clare covers esme eyes picking her up yeah in the back of my car "I wonder what a bite of vampire will do" Carlo asked "you do that and I rip out your heart and the tounges of the blood thirsty twins you've created" I pulled away "I gave you a present" explains the amount of blood "and you will remove it leaving it spotless" I smiled at him "oh I ain't gonna"-"you and the other vampires at your command are gonna follow to the roof and make it spotless like it never happened understood?" I compelled him "yes, follow me" he said then they all went up "taking it a bit to far he's your brother" kallius clicks infront of me I looked at him "okay so let's put it this way your a newbie werewolf with some vampire any don't matter who wants to take your target what would you do?" I asked him "I know where your going with it, it's not the same"-"isn't it? you would wanna protect it till it's time then turn it which is similar if you just remove some details she's staying human if it costs my life protecting her so be it at least I accomplished something in life then ruin others" I walked around him esme runs in playing with her toys the vampires leave I'll cheak the roof later
After they both left kallius dragged me outside "what is going on?,lower the walls I get your protecting but violence is not gonna change anything better" huh huh so what? you want her to be one of them? "Your on his side.." I crossed my arms "am on my own side don't give me that sas" I'll do what I want where want with who I want "sure" I walked away back inside passed the other two if they heard it or not don't give to shits, I clean the mess up "what's up with you crazy?" Arthur asked which I ignored him "leave her Arthur" kallius asked "okay-.." what do you want now? I picked up the last few things "Arthur go!" he looks over his shoulder which he wants to say something but doesn't walking on to his room "what?" I asked "nicer.." he asked "no you pissed me off 'am on nobody's side but my own' nobody is ever alone for one and two that's a lie, then him..thinking he can take esme of her mother who does he think he is? not happening but if Clara comes here bursting into tears crying her heart out on the floor I am gonna kill him infront of police department if it has to be he isn't getting away with it" I stuff the toys in the box and point at him "I get it you hate your brother if he lays a hand on her, but you can't protect her all your life you tried that on yourself now look where you are" he sat forward am not gonna let that baby girl turn into them even more so of a werewolf "Arya..." he asked I moved my hand away from his "sit down at least" he asked "I need a breather.." I stuttered going to my thinking rock with kylo there "hey what happened?" he looked over standing up that obvious? shit "n-nothing.." I went further into the forest following the track controlling my breathing I hate this, I hate everything I want everything to go back normal
Being pulled into a hug tight, soft, it's like a big marshmallow cuddled me up "shhh.." kallius whispers I don't care anymore this is a necessity not a want or a need but something more

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