Won no victories yet

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Clare's a party I looked up at Arthur who nods I got up over to kallius to his room "twice in one day" he put his phone away Mhmm anyways I closed the door behind me "there's a girl called Clare right.." I lead on "your human best friend with a child yes I know Clare" is that how you see her? I'll ask you that later "who's thinking of everyone gathering together" I walked over to him "she's at a party inviting you?" He asked "maybe.." I pout "you can go if I know what dress your wearing" he pulled me closer to him "I was thinking a corset and a skirt but dress works" I bought a new skirt "no fucking way! dress!" he said fine Jesus Christ "kylo will let me" I pout "k-kylo? I don't give two shits what he thinks he will let you wear" he pulls me onto the bed locking my arms "you stuttered first laugh then speechless now stutter?" I point out "I wasn't speachless" totally "huh huh just a long silence" I smiled "yeah my brain ticking away" your brain cells more like "which part you've got everyone's peace of brain I just wanna know who's brain your talking about.." I sat up "there's no need to be a bitch about it" Arthur said kallius looks over "kylo right so would a corset and a skirt work as an outfit?" I asked him "araya your going in with a dress not disguising as a dress" bitch "either would be fine? I think? why are you asking me?" he points at kallius "iv tried that dickhead I just wanna wear my new skirt" I lie down on the bed looking up at the celing "comfy?" Arthur jumps on the bed literally in my face I shoved his face away "sweaty hands" he sat up smirking "seriously?..you give" I take kallius hand and make him take "his are always sweaty yours is always cold" oh shit I got up rushed to my room cheaking in my bathroom mirror looking in the cupboards "right sonic what was that about?" Arthur asked "he took it.." I turned to him "took what?" He asked "my hand cream that you can also do on your face amazing product" i explained "the point?" he asked confused "feel them" I shove my hands in his face "I'll be used up already" he lowers my hand ugh "can you get me a new one?" I pout "no iv got a party to go to" he smiled I frown "your not invited if am not there dickhead she asked me not you!" I walked out my room which kallius stops me "what the fuck? did you forget what I told you about your walls?" he asked "no you remind me every second not my fault he knows how to push the buttons" I point at Arthur which he looks over his shoulder "get ready then the quicker we can go.." he asked "we? your coming also?" I asked which he rolls his eyes walking off I smiled at kylo who ran over and pulled me to my room "okay so won't allow you to wear that..definitely not that...there's an option try that" he throws a dress in my face which I moved out the way to the bathroom trying it on "turn around.." he asked which I turned around then turned around facing him "you okay?" I asked walking around him folding the clothes back and close the drawer facing him "always.." he smiled I quickly do my hair into some beach curls with some hairspray on I add my perfume then leave taking my phone off Arthur as Clare calls which I answered
"Yello.." I sat down on the couch on Arthur's left "are you ready?" she asked "yeah waiting for slow poke" i looked at my nails I need to get these done "okay ring me once your nearby it's on Bonnie's street" she said then ends the call Bonnie? "Her boyfriend he lives 4 streets away from her Charlie's street" Arthur said I nod ohhh bonnie okay "he as a sister don't he?" I asked he nods right okay I know where
I call Clare
"Am coming give me a second I'll see you outside.." she moved about Arthur parks up I got out over to her hugging her "iv missed you, where's esme?" I pulled away "with Bonnie brother and girlfriend chilling" she said I nod I walked inside with her the boys follow behind i glowed my eyes at the couple making out "move" I compelled which they got up me and Clare sat down "any gossip?" she smirks "who told you?" I cover my face she laughs "kylo who else you idiot..so where did it happen?" she asked "it was after you guys left I was stressing and has to go to my thinking rock but kylo was there so I went to the beach panting back and forth but only to be stuffed in a marshmallow and so on happened then" i explained "marshmallow?" she giggled "a large one yeah don't make fun of me" I nudge her which she laughs "so that's where the first kiss happened okay then kylo said a make-out?" she asked ahhh "he wanted more that was obvious but I didn't want it then so once it happened I'll be a mistake" I take one drink of a dude that was walking passed "so his room?" she gulped her drink i nod "you don't keep me updated anymore miss lover" she nudged me "slowly that that bitch stole my hand cream you know the one you can use for your body?" I said she bursted out laughing "that the reason you was late?" she laughed even more "no he was changing I think? no idea what that guy does but that was part of it" I hand her my drink taking her other one onto the coffin table

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