Won no victories yet

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still with Clare chatting on about anything and everyone else bonnie and her are engaged even though bonnie ain't the father he really does love them both
am sitting on kallius lap I looked away from Clare to a glass smashing two guys fighting watching kallius sits forward moving me closer to him "nobody gonna stop it?" Clare asked not really "it's kylo and Arthur more and likely it's about whoever kylo shagged" I looked over to her "can't they do it outside?" She complains fine I got up over to Arthur who's hitting kylo pissed which I pulled him off "outside" I asked "so you want him to get away fucking my sister after I warned you to not go near her!" he shouts at kylo "enough! continue outside if you care that much talk to your sister since she's the one leading it on kylo done shit all" i went back to my seat "you went through his phone?" Clare asked "always, the dude blind don't know the difference between cat or a fish" i explained "that's Arthur sister?" Kallius asked I nod he shows Clare "no..that's not" she covers her mouth "I thought his mum was his girlfriend somehow he's got genes" I said "Jesus definitely does" she looks again I hand Clare my phone turning around looking over to the girl he's talking to only being Laura she's still alive? I looked over to Clare "nah oi get Arthur back here" she asked I laugh pick your mind girl "come.." I stud up taking her with me "BOYS!" I shout which they both stopped "there you go" I nudged her smirking walking over to Arthur "enough with his sister fling or not leave it.." I asked kylo who just leaves "she don't believe it's your sister so where taking second looks" I held my phone up to his face "I still don't?" she admits "I do..look at the noses some freckles oh my god even birth marks Jesus.." I point out she steps forward you need glasses girl "the eyes and nose" she steps back "you two done now?" he shoved the phone away "moody cunt.." she mutters "he's had no shag some challenge him and kallius are doing" i explained "the November thing? bonnie is doing the same" she rolls her eyes "hey that's a good thing no more children I like bonnie for doing that" I point at her "ha ha, are you going?" she asked uhm "depends what time is little one gonna come back?" I asked her "she's got dance at 9 but we arrive at 6 so we'll start packing up at 3-4 ish so by then" she explains you did that whilst drunk? Jesus that's a skill there "what time is it?" I asked kallius at the door watching "2:30" he said walking over "early or longer?" I asked her "you need sleep also so we'll end it" she smiled Mhmm "I'll help.." I went to walk with her but kallius pulls me towards him I pulled my hands away from Clare as his lips collided onto mine I couldn't help myself and pull away but only make it worse I placed my left hand on his chest whilst my right is on his neck he's being a big marshmallow pulling me tightly close to him spotting a flash behind kallius which I fuck them off I pulled away I hide my face as he looks over "hell of an audience.." he said I nod "you don't wanna go in there anymore do you?" That little prick did it on purpose "that's mean you can't.." I looked over his shoulder with most of them being kicked out "go ahead" he smiled leaning in which I shoved his face away "no you deserve that.." I point at him "oh do I now?" he asked "I don't like that tone in voice what are you planning?" I pulled away as he's smirking away "you would honestly break the challenge?" I asked "you tell me do I really deserve it.." he asked "he's bluffing he's never broken the challenge go on" Arthur said walking over "thank you" i mouth then went inside helping Clare who's non stop asking questions "am helping you that's enough" I threw an empty plastic cup at her "alright Jesus but answer this last question please" she asked I picked up 3 cups and looked at her "first public kiss?" she asked "yes..now help instead of asking questions about it" reason a billion why I rather be single then have something called relationship

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