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Uhhh "Alysha? You hear it's Araya?" I asked her spotting skeleton bones "ain't a wolf? what is she then?" kallius asked "mixed are?" she steps out in human form I looked around while they got along with each other "you eat crabs? Poor souls" I pout walking back "wild coyote mixed with jaguar? Is that even possible?" kallius asked "Mom was a coyote Dad a Werejaguar they fucked had me then left eventually Araya found me" She explained short version "brought a friend who wants to meet you iv told him about Jerry so he's aware" I let her know she nods I stopped kallius as she jumps down the cliff smiling I pulled away "Araya don't" he asked "have fun with it" I fell backwards staring at him as he's looking over I then paid attention to the ground landing perfection I stand up cleaning myself then followed her inside "a cayote lives here" Arthur holds up a picture "her mother would you put that down" I took the picture of him "she's not human? Not complaining but usually it's humans so when they piss me off they die easily" kylo explains as she's behind him I placed the picture down "be nice" I asked her "sorry so where is this..." he leads on "he's worse then Jerry but a wear wolf you want me to put up with him?" she asked "he's nervous alyisha give him a chance" I asked her "you mean scared" she replied out my head he turns around "no nervous when he's scared he depends on Arthur, nervous he fidgets a big child like you" I take the plant pot off him "can I ask a question?" Arthur asked "Am I a coyote mixed with a Jaguar, mom being a coyote and dad being a werewolf and Jaguar any other questions?" she asked "Can I make food without either of them being dead or unconscious?" I asked her "your asking too much can't happen no" She points at me I rolled my eyes "I'll starve then" I sat on the couch "You can eat kallius dick" Arthur said which echoed "She already did that" kallius said muffled as I covered his mouth I pulled away as he laughs I got up to Arthur "I'll make kylo go after your sister if you continue" I said as he's sat in the kitchen on his phone his eyes met mine "exactly shut it where is he?" I tuned away looking what food she has in "them two gone fucking what's her chances on getting pregnant as a cayote Jaguar thing?" he asked "search it up I don't a clue am starving.." basically I'm lazy but hungry "higher then wolves fucking hell she'll be spitting out children with that number oh wait blah blah blah ohhh so if she's breeding with other cayote then it's higher chances but with a wolf extremely low almost rare is she the only cayote here?" Arthur asked "now you don't even care about your sister anymore and no her sister died a few moments after birth along with her mother her dad ran off and somewhat died unknown" i explained "she's a fox and a cat no werwolf at all?" kallius asked walking over "she's a werewolf but she hasn't activated it she's scared she'll turn into it and have no help now she will" I pout the chicken soup into 5 bowls the two in the mircowave staying warm when they return "she's got the moon thing under control with the cayote right?" kallius asked I nod "Carlo gave me a spelled ring from the witches that mother gave him that uhm controls her turning into a wolf or a cayote so I gave it her" I got up taking my bowl whilst they both walked in i tske out the bowls from the mircowave "yes chicken soup I missed your cooking" she smiles kylo take his then went to the boys "spill.." I asked her "what else did you tell him? Although I know it won't last of him being a goody two shoes" she sat down on the stool opposite of the counter "You'll be surprised, great listener, likes exploring, dick at times but with love" I shrugged "dick at times but with love?" she asked confused "when he's having a paddy just fuck him he'll forget about it what Arthur sister told me" I shrugged she laughed "right so you haven't fucked either of the two? Ever?" she asked "Girl it was yesterday I fucked kallius for the first time after dating like a month? I found out Carlo is alive and a vampire, Dad was alive so he's now dead from almost being a hybrid, I had all sorts of fucking emotions I like death the next am bursting into tears I hate turning into the thing oh am now the thing I hate I'm all over the place" I explained she nods giggling "mhmm your in love with him either that or you need to sort your period out" she sips the soup out her spoon I missed my therapy girl "I missed you Clare had a child with Bon Bon" said "she asked him out after these years?" She gasps "they asked each other out then boom baby she is adorable though" I smiled "didn't I tell you fuckers they would make a great baby but you were no they won't" she points the spoon at me "shush" I muttered "Clare had a child? what did she name her?" Alisha asked as the boys walked over "After me" I smiled "As fuck she did" she nudged me I smiled "Esme for short I forgot her actual name" Arthur said placing his bowl in the sink along with the others "Awe a gorgeous girl then" she nods "we've got to be going through it was a pleasure meeting you" kallius being sweet I looked at Alicia confused who laughs I then looked at him who's smiling at me "you was a bitch when we met so turn that head around" he said "bitch ass cunt" I mumble Alicia then starts wheezing "ah girl iv missed you come down here whenever" she pulls me into a hug

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