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in the woods searching for any trespassers just spotting one that hasn't yet seen me slowly coming closer then crouch moving even slowly towards as am close enough I stop crouched down into the grass once they started moving I quickly pounced onto them ripping them into peace's no left overs I dragged them to a pile of others in the tent
Transformation into human
after getting dressed and burn the tent letting it on fire along with the corpse feet turned around "so that's what your doing? always before lunch no wonder you ain't hungry that stops" how about no "sure" I hand him the lighter hearing sirens I turned around looking around confused "that police?" I asked kylo "am not hearing an"-it gets louder I turned back to the front walking out the woods following the annoying noise which I crossed my arms "the fuck do you think your doing?" I asked aurther "testing.did you here both?" he asked I looked over to Kallias holding another "yes..but I only heard yours" kylo walked inside "also she should teach you how to hunt wild predator" kylo shouts from inside which I looked away as it echoed "effecting you more then it should especially at this point when you first turned how many did you kill?" Kallias asked as I take the siren bleeper thingy off him "3 rabbits 5 raiders"-the exact same oh fuck "that it?" Kallias asked "caught on to what you was saying" Arthur sighed before walking in I sat on the stairs counting my fingers "3 rabbits..5 raiders..8 rain deers exactly same time and same kill.." i mutter "by any chance it was on a full moon you stopped turning and got the veins?" Kallias asked "I-maybe I don't know" why? I looked behind me I got up reading the page oh shit "so my body is re-acting that day but with all the things heightened..
smell ,touch ,here, sight, taste" I turned away "and will continue every time you fall into the same cycle not just you but us also as we're"-"I know" I interrupted Kallias looking over at him he points at my hand with me holding both so not me "either someone else has another or police are on there way" I hand Arthur the machines things and went to check but Kallias grabs my arm "never alone" seriously? "Got it" i raise my arm which he lets go I lower my arm

up a mountain "not just the senses that are amplified" he coughs I smile looking back then face infront "who's the reason your a bitch?" I asked looking at the moterway cars driving past "coming?" I asked him walking backwards then turned around placing my hands in my pockets jumping down continuously walking through the woods "the guy you severally hate" his hand is on his chest I smiled you baby "shocker" i mutter "still texting my ex for revenge on kylo?" no she's pretty "who said anything about revenge?" I asked him looking over in his direction confused "no reason" he lifts his shirt showing his hip "that's healed? Go you" idiot the same siren noice I look back on the floor where he stepped off I picked it up another you pricks "these on some timer?"-another siren "you better be fucking kiddin me" I asked him "different distance each time how far does your hearing go?" he asked as I looked around hearing in all directions "someone's found them and walking up to us" I looked back at Kallias who's gone I looked around shit more werewolves... and vampires brilliant "these yours?" wear wolf asked I looked over "vampires are on there way and yes pack leader thought 'how far can your hearing ability go' absolute Idiots" I smiled at him taking them "vampires?" he asked I nod "that direction" I point then looked over with them there "can we help you?" I catches the sirens "Carlo? you was meant to watch Clare" I spot my brother "you know her?" one of the vampire asked him "my sister and she's fine" sure she is the werewolves left "go along with your pack" vampire asked "not my pack where is Clare?" I asked Carlo "at home she sends me a thumbs up every hour till she's asleep" which she hasn't it took you an hour to get here "lier, where is she?" I asked him "at home! are you deaf woman?" he asked "she hasn't sent you a thumbs up every hour because it took you an hour to get here hearing is amplified don't question it" I looked back to the leader then Carlo "so you tell me now where is she?" I asked him "am fine" Clare I looked over "you shouldn't be here you crazy cow" I hugged her "I left last night through the back door someone tried getting into the house" see what I fucking mean I looked over to Carlo "how late?" I asked "midnight ish..don't blame Carlo" midnight? I looked at Kallias behind her "something happen?" Clare asked "no we'll take you ours for a night while kylo cheaks if anything was missing" Kallias orders "little pack you have little one" vampire leader i looked over to him "not so little as she beaten her own pack...I watched they do this ceremony three times 2 months if she passed all they stop and she completed it" Carlo explains "did you also tell him one bite of a werewolf will kill your species?" i glowed my eyes which he looks away I smiled as i stopped "Clare isn't safe as people are after her"-"it was me, I tried opening a door...her door I didn't want to like someone else has the same power thingy" I looked over to Kallias "yours ain't common not like everyone will have the same ability, sorry to interrupt" Kallias apology's to the vampires we leave

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