S2 P1

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"Travis what the fuck did you do with my coffee cup!!!" Neil groans as he opens and slams cupboard doors looking for his favorite cup.

Travis groggily walked out of his bedroom and rubbed his eyes. "Huh?"

Neil huffed and kept looking for his cup. "Where the fuck did you put my. coffee cup!!" Neil sobbed as his cup was no where to be found.

"Fuck if I know! I didn't touch it this time! Swear!!!" Travis put his hands up in self defense and Neil sighed.

"Did Sal do something with it?" Neil accepted defeat and grabbed a random cup.

"Why blame us when you can blame Larry?" Travis shrugged and walked into the kitchen to get himself a cup of coffee.

"Because half the time he's out trying to hook up with girls." Neil grinned, holding back a laugh.

"True that, I guess. Did you check the dish washer?" Travis eyed Neil while he poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Goddamnit! I swear I forget we have one most the time.." He put the cup down on the counter and opened up the clean dish washer.

And, there it was, his cup. "Stupid.." Travis mumbled off to himself and Neil laughed at himself.

"I'm an idiot sometimes." He shrugged and put his coffee cup in the cupboard.

"And you aren't even going to use it?" Travis raised an eyebrow and Neil shook his head.

"Don't want to dirty it." He took a sip of his coffee and walked towards the livingroom.

Usually Travis hates getting up this early on the weekends, but because he had coffee he felt better. Larry and Sal definitely won't be up till 12.

Travis continued to drink his coffee at the kitchen counter while he watched the news with Neil, but from the back.

Travis smiled when he watched his dog, Sora, walk out of their room. He kneeled down and pet her. "Morning Sora."

She softly yipped and licked his face. Her tail was wagging and everything.

"Want to go outside girl?" Travis looked at her while she turned her head.

Travis took that as a yes and stood up then walked towards the basement.

"So stupid they added the back door in the basement." Neil shook his head and Travis agreed.

"Just getting more exercise I guess." Travis shrugged and opened the basement door. Sora lead the way and he flicked the basement light on.

Travis sat down on the pavement once they got outside. Sora did her thing then rolled around in the grass.

The sun was coming up and it looked nice out. A bit windy, but it felt great.

Travis was sad when he realized he forgot his cup of coffee inside but shook it off as he continued to watch his dog play around outside.

He thought everything was perfect. But he instantly got goosebumps when he felt like being watched.

Something was off. He looked around for someone, anything. He hoped it was an animal. He was wrong.

Travis saw someone standing near the shed out of the corner of his eye. "What the fuck..?" He got up and started walking towards them but when they saw him coming they took off.

He was clearly uncomfortable. "Sora.. Let's go inside girl.." He patted his thigh with his hand and they walked back inside, a bit faster than usual.

Neil could tell Travis was acting off. Because he slammed the basement door and leaned against it with all his weight.

"What's up?"

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