S2 P10

172 8 7

Travis had recurring nightmares. It was driving him insane. It was always the same.

He would wonder around, nobody around, looking for them. Then he would find himself staring at his father, saying that Travis ruined it himself.

Sometimes he would see Sal, Neil, Larry, or Todd, dead. (Hint hint)

Sometimes he would wake up Sal due to the nightmares.

Even though Sal has been asking Travis about the nightmares, he says it's fine. It's not fine.

Travis is surprised his boss hasn't noticed the fact that he's lacking so much.


Sal knew something was clearly off about Travis.

Sal knew about the nightmares that his lover has been having, but he didn't really know what they were about.

He would ask Travis about them, and everytime Travis would say he didn't remember.

Sal didn't want to push Travis to tell him, or tell him what's wrong, because he didn't want to upset Travis more.

Sal also knew that Travis was really stressed because his mom has been basically begging Travis to go see his father.

Like right now.

"You realize he would beat the shit out of me?!" Travis shouted through the phone.

Sal couldn't understand his mother's words through the phone.

"Mom, drop it!! Please! I don't want to see him. Not now." Travis covered his face with his hand and Sal could tell he was crying.

Sal got up from the couch where Larry was sitting, on his phone, trying to ignore the situation.

Sal walked over to Travis and wrapped his arms around him, trying not to scare him.

"Mom, I love you, but fuck off!" Travis groaned, and hung up the phone. He also slammed the phone down on the counter, which spooked Sora and Gizmo.

Larry looked up from his phone. "Don't even bother answering her. Especially if you know what she's going to ask."

Travis glanced over at Larry. "She gets all paranoid if I don't answer. It would be worse having her ask me in person."

Larry nodded. "True. I'm sorry dude."

Travis tried to smile. "I'll be fine."

Larry smiled back.


He scratched his head out of anger that it felt like his scalp was bleeding.

"Fuuhh... This shit is pissing me off!" He squeezed his head with his hands.

His blood was boiling. He just wanted to get the job done, and he just wanted his fucking money.

He was leaning against a tree, staring right at them through the window.

It was dark enough that they couldn't see him, and due to the distance.

Well, he thought so, anyways.


Travis wasn't crying anymore. His heart was pounding. He didn't dare say a thing.

Travis was staring at someone, that was staring at him.

Travis' back started tingling. His stomach felt tight. He felt like throwing up.

It was the same person he saw a while ago. He can't see their face, but they were tall. Tall with dark clothes.

Travis couldn't breathe, couldn't move. His legs felt like they weren't even there at all.

Travis felt uneasy.

Something bad, was going to happen. He could feel it in his skin, in his bones.

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