vii: i set a date

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Cecilia was staring at the assignment for Professor Reuben, this project was due in a week and there was no way that 6 pages of work was for just 1 person.

She remembered that she could talk to Joesph and see if he would like to work on it together.

She sent a snap saying "Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to work on this project for Professor Reuben. It seems like a lot for one person and we can divvy up the work."


Oh fuck.

Cecelia felt her heart racing kilometers, meters, whatever measure of distance is the longest. She sent a risky text. She sent a text to a boy that she liked! This is such an achievement for her, so she doesn't know how to feel.

She attempted to work a bit on the project, but had no success. So, she went to bed.

The next morning, she checked her phone and saw that Joseph replied to her. Her heart started racing at a speed so fast that if that doesn't kill her then I don't know what will.

She decided to let her day go on as is, but always kept the thought of Joseph in the back of her mind.

After some time, she opened his snap.

"Of course! I would love to be your partner! When would you like to meet up?"

Cecelia felt like she was about to collapse on the floor and need intense CPR. He said yes. This is like a dream come true!

For days, they bounced between what day and what place they would study at and Cecilia always felt her heart pitter patter at the thought of her and Joseph.

Eventually, they chose to meet up at the college center on the second floor right after her english class.

The day before, she was at the banquet and excitedly waited to break the news.

"Chance... guess what?"

"What?" Chance had a look of suspicion.

"So, I made my move...."

Chance started to become more interested.

"Go on."

"And he said yes!"

"As you should! See, it doesn't hurt to make your moves, it's beneficial actually."

"Yeah, I'm so nervous and excited that I can barely sit or stand still."

Cecilia was always quite energetic, but she was more off the walls than usual. Even her hand movements were more animated.

Joesph was on her mind once again, and her heart raced even more with every thought of him.

The way that he danced in her mind, the feeling as if he was right there with her, Cecilia could imagine all f the scenerios that would go through her head. When she was dazed in thought, she would play a made up scenerio of her liking, to further get her in the mood.

"Butthead!" Evan called her and made her snap out of her thoughts.

"What?" She said back with sass.

Evan slightly came up to her and chuckled.

"How's things with you and dreamboy doing?"


Her tone between Chance and Evan was dramatic.

With Chance, she spoke to him as if he was her best friend who rooted for her.

Meanwhile, with Evan...

"Why do you want to know?"

"Is that guy really all that? You idolize him. You make him your world, but does he make you his?"

Evan circled around Cecilia.

"I don't know." Cecilia felt her confidence drop.

Evan rolled his eyes.

"Things going to plan?"


Cecilia felt attacked by the way that Evan was pesting her about it. It was as if he was trying to weed out parts from her that she didn't feel sure about.

"You're nervous about it, I can tell."

"Ok, and?"

Evan inched closer to her, but before he could make a move, he was interupeted.

"Cecilia! I need you to help dry these dishes."

Ash called her and Cecilia was summoned.

"We'll finish this later."

Evan left the room.

What does Evan even want from her? Cecilia started to idly dry the dishes, and soon enough, she finished all of the dishes, with 30 more minutes until the service should be over with.

In the meantime, Cecilia went to check in on the chef and see what was up.

Evan was in there, eating a piece of bread along with some of the other classmates.

"Is chef here?" Cecilia asked curiously.

"He just left to eat with the staff, nothing to worry about." One of the guys said back to Cecilia.

"Ok then, I'll just be heading back now." Cecilia was just about to leave.

"You can hang here actually." Chance looked up.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, it's super dead right now."

Cecilia grabbed a piece of bread as well and examined the room.

"It's hot in here."

"Chef makes it worse." One of the girls said.

"You missed it, last week he had this atomic fart that he probably held in for far too long. It was killer. Real bad." Chance laughed but nobody laughed with him.

"I get it, you all want to seem professional for the first year. The fact that you have the balls to even walk in here is a accomplishment in itself." Chance added and addressed to the room.

It was awkward and Cecilia nibbled on her bread before taking a look at the tea and coffee.

"You thirsty? Do you want a drink?" Sadie asked her.

"Oh, I'm good but thank you."

For the rest of the 30 minutes, there was chatter and a litle bit of hustle and bustle going on. There was an old lady, named Marie constantly running around, in and out, in and out.

Family meal had finally arrived and soon enough, everybody had their meals and were all sitting down.

The topic was on zodiac signs.

"I'm a Sagittarius." Chance boasted.

"Virgo." Cecilia admitted.

"November 7th." Evan did not know what to say.

"Scorpio." A girl added.

They all enjoyed their meals and then it was time to go.

Cecilia suddenly felt a little lightheaded, so one of the volunteers held her for a bit.

"I'm so sorry, I have low iron, this happens a lot."

By that time, the volunteer and her were in the locker room.

Cecilia took an iron suppliment and slowly gain her stability back for a few minutes.

She was about to leave when she felt her legs become shaky again.

She barely was able to make it to the door when she hit her head on the door.

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