x: study session

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It was finally the night of the study session, and Cecilia had a busy day right before she was going to study with him. Her parents were on a week long getaway and she had to do an examination with one of her classes on a college dining hall.

It was finally the time, Cecilia locked up her house and went into her car to go on the campus. Her heart was racing and all seemed like a dream come true for her.

Joseph was supposed to be getting out of class around 4:20 which was perfect, they would have some time together.

She made it to the school just as the sky was almost dark, dusk fell on her. She turned to the side and saw Joseph waiting for her just a little bit farther.

As soon as she walked past her car, she and him locked eyes and they gravitated towards each other. Soon, meeting at opposite ends of a small fence.

"Hey." Joseph said shyly.


Cecilia went under the fence by bending slightly and almost fell. Joseph made sure to hold her stable for a second.

They started walking together.

"So, how are you?" Cecilia broke the silence.

"I'm good, just got out of food and cooking fundamentals. How about you?"

"I'm hanging in there, had a busy day."


"Yeah. Wait, you said fundamentals you had today?"


"What did you make?"

"Dark chocolate mousse."

Cecilia's eyes lit up.

"I LOVE dark chocolate mousse. How did it come out?"

"It was kind of bitter and soapy for my liking. I'm not a good chef."

"Me either."

Cecilia and Joseph were on the dead campus.

"What actually caused you to come to this college and study here?"

"I took this class called food science back in high school."

Cecilia smirked.

"Me too. Actually, I think we were partners."

"I loved that class, mainly for the food though."

"Oh, same!"

They walked into the hall and found a cafeteria with a person in there just studying.

"What to settle here?" Joseph asked.


They sat down and started to work on the project.

"I remember seeing this project and thinking there is no way that this is supposed for one person, so I emailed Reuben and he said it was a solo project. But, it's 6 pages of work, that's for sure."

"Tell me about it."

Joseph started to struggle with the Wi-Fi and Cecilia took notice.

"You need any help with that?"

"Yeah, it's just that this laptop tends to not work with the Wi-Fi."

"I see, I see. Let me try at it."

Cecilia attempted to set up the Wi-Fi, and it went through almost immediately.

"I don't really know...." Joseph started to say.

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