xxi: christmas

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It was christmas day, and Cecilia's house was full of cheer for the holiday.

Cecilia went to her christmas tree and found a lot of presents for her under the tree. None of them looked like an Evan or a Joesph under the tree. She sighed and opened her presents as per usual.

Despite no men under her tree, her mood was still up and vibrant. She wore an ugly christmas vest that she bought from her store just for today and enjoyed some cinnamon rolls that her mom bakes. She woke up a little later than usual, she wanted to make a christmas day breakfast for herself and possibly her family.

Not gonna happen.

"Merry Christmas!" She texted Joesph.

He replied right away with a Merry Christmas as well.

"Merry Christmas." She texted Evan.

"You're up?"

"I just woke up."

"I swear all you do is sleep."



"Shut your mouth, insomniac."


She ignored his next text and went to go set up for the christmas day gathering that was at her house.

While doing some cleaning, she started to daydream.

She had a dream last night.

In a parallel universe, she was able to go to christmas in Maryland with Evan. She wore a short dress with long sleeves and some heeled boots. Evan instantly grabbed her by the waist and they made out next to the fireplace all night. When it got cold, he grabbed a blanket and they snuggled under it all while Cecilia serenaded him to sleep.

It would be nice, but it was only a dream.

A dream so good that it made Cecilia sleep for 12 hours.

Must be nice, but life for her feels like a dream right now.

Unless she is out of her mind and crazy.

Cecilia's head was racing with thoughts when she felt the world start to slow down.

That's when she daydreamed about Joesph.

He bought her a bouquet of her favorite flowers: asters and pansies as well as a box of dark chocolates with no macademia nuts. He came in with a suit and a smile, ready to sweep Cecilia off of her feet. Joesph also bought his guitar and played christmas carols for all and a few songs just for Cecilia herself.

Only a dream that has the slightest possibility of coming true.

Cecilia decided to spice up the imaginary world in her mind and imagined if Evan appeared too out of nowhere. It would be a fight worth seeing. A clash between oppisites. Like the angel versus the devil. Good versus evil, familiarity versus strange. The world was endless.

The cards in her basement never seemed to get delivered and it wasn't seeming like they would be. Both Evan and Joesph's cards were tucked away in some packaging that they would (hopefully so) get it given to them by Cecilia herself.

Despite having a peaceful and quiet christmas, something was missing.

Not something, more like someone.

Either one, or maybe both at her feet.

In the end, one will last and be by her side.

The question is which guy will it be?

Cecilia looked at herself in the mirror and could imagine for a second Joesph and then another second Evan there.

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