xxxii: fifty shades of pastel pink

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It was now a Monday nearing the end of February. Quantity class was just doing a lab and doing computer work, and there was a little issue that was getting everybody confused and the professor mad. No rooms were available for the class to use.

Cecilia was just chatting with Wizzy and Smiley.

"You guys wanna hear a crazy story?"

Both dudes were high off their ass.

"Yeah sure"

"I'd be down."

Cecilia folded her hands and made a wheezing noise.

"Hold on tight."

So, she told the story again, using many dramatic hand, facial, and voice expressions that it was as if she was a one woman show. Wizzy and Smiley were immersirzed in the story that it continued on and on for almost and hour straight.

Even when they went into another classroom, she still told it.

"It's like a whole novel." She ended.

Somebody walked in the room.

"What story is she talking about?" The person asked.

"Fifty shades of pastel pink." Smiley said the first thing that came out of his mouth.

Wizzy and Cecilia were both in a state of shock. Cecilia walked out of the room with them and the first thing she thought was "What the hell is going on?"

"I don't know how you can handle that." Wizzy said.

"I don't know either." She sat down. "There's more than I can say, but I covered the jist."

"You know that actually reminds me. I think I might know who guy 3 is." Smiley looked at her.

"Say it."

"Kyle Flanders."

She nodded.

"I had a feeling. He always gets jealous when I ask you to plug in my laptop."

"He really shouldn't. I'll talk with him about that."

"Yeah, no. I kind of find it weird."

"Hold up, does he know about either guy 1 or 2?" Wizzy asked.

"He knows about guy 2." Cecilia admitted.

Wizzy and Smiley muttered in shock.

"At the time, guy 2 didn't make a comeback. I really thought that he wouldn't. He's not like that at all."

"So, now that guy 1 has dipped and guy 2 is back in the picture, what does that mean?" Wizzy asked again.

"There is something that is going to happen, I don't know what. At this rate, I'm not surprised and I can barely process what has been going on."

"Did you have a boyfriend or romantic interest before college?" Smiley asked.

Cecilia nodded.

"I did have an ex boyfriend until last year. And, a lot of failed talking stages and awkward crushes. So, having attention like this is new to me."

"Honestly, the only advice I can give to you is ride it out. See what happens." Smiley reassured her.

"Why me?" Cecilia flailed her arms in her sweater. "I'm the worst person to be in this situation."

She pouted and sat down.

"Ok guys. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you." She looked up at them and had apologetic eyes.

"Nah girl, you're traumatized and you're experiencing new shit. You're having a hot girl spring semester."

Cecilia started to cry.

Smiley comforted her.

"Look, look. I know it's a lot of you. Listen to your heart and be yourself. If neither of them want to pursure you for you, then they are not worth your time."

Cecilia nodded.

"It's just that they both give mixed signals at time, and I don't really know what to do."

"Don't sweat it too much." Wizzy added.

"Thank you. Again, I'm so sorry for bombarding you guys with my disasterous love life."

"It's definately a unique experience, that's for sure."

They all changed and went into lab. By now, they were making mochi and cutting and fixing dough.

Wizzy and Smiley were with Cecilia.

"I am kind of curious. Guy 2 seems to pique your interest. Who is he?" Wizzy asked.

Cecilia made a shocked expression and whispered his name to Wizzy.


"Shut up." She whispered.

"No way. That's my boy. Bro, that's actually crazy. So, he was guy 2 all along?"

She nodded.

"You know, he actually said something about you the one time. I don't know if I should tell you."

"Just tell me."

"He said that you were crazy."

"I heard worse."

Cecilia giggled because he must have meant he was crazy. He had more ups and down than a rollercoaster, and let's not forget the way that he flips her around.

"Nah, though. He's my favorite out of my choices."

"Oooh." Somebody overheard.

"I like that he's persistent. Also, it might be he gave me a silly nickname. He's definately something else."

"He's a piece of work. I don't know how you bagged him, he's a hard one to get."

"I trauma dumped." Cecilia admitted.

Smiley laughed.

"So, you just trauma dump and get guys?"

"I guess. It works, I don't know why."

Suddenly, Professor Reuben came in and inspected their progress.

"A lot has been done, as well as a lot of chit chat."

Oh shit. Cecilia forgot he was in the room. He was just quietly there, looking down at his laptop and sipping his 16oz wawa coffee.

She kept her head down and continued her work. The class passed by quickly and Cecilia felt the pangs of embrassament slowly go away.

The day went on as is, after having some lunch, she went home and was talking a little bit with Kyle before he had to go to work.

Cecilia started to plan out her quantity proportions for her meal with Chichi and texted him to make sure that he was putting his part in. Mainly, he was not. However, he was a superior cook to her.

She took a breath and slowly felt uneasy. There was a part of her that was unsure about what the rest of the year was going to look like.

It was attention and an interesting story, but how did she really feel on the inside?

Intimidated, nervous, unsure, those were a few words she could use to describe her.

Cecilia took another deep breath and managed to put her thoughts to the side. She grabbed a book that she had been dying to read and read it until she fell asleep on her couch.

In her deep sleep, Kyle started spamming her of texts, making sure that she was ok. It woke her up and she checked her phone.

"I almost fell asleep on my couch. I'm ok now."

She took a shower, changed her clothes, and went into bed.

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