Woe What a Night Part 1

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Dr.Kinbott told me and y/n to get out more.

Says we need to open our mind to new people and experiances.

Who am I to argue with her professional cliches?

Especially since I do act different around one certain individual.

"While me and y/n do the autopsy,you find the files of the monster's other victims and make copies."I command.

Thing gave me a few loud taps of protest,but gave in when I gave him a stern glare.

"Don't pout.Your scalpel skills are questionable.Do you remember my 13th birthday,when Uncle Fester gave me that cadaver?You sliced right through that cadaver."I sigh,explaining to the still annoyed Thing.

He tapped a fine and went to do hid assigned job.

"That's his name!Fester!I know him!He's the familt friend I told you about!'Y/n excitedly squeaked.

Adorable,but not the time.

I give her a stern look.

"Sorry."Y/n apologized,looking through the bodies.

"No,no...Magnificent Hematome.There you are."I smell the chemicals appreciatively.

Y/n shivers a bit from the intense cold coming from the morgue and body holders.

She runs about ten degrees hotter than an average human,and should stay that temp.

I did warn her though.

"Thursday,7.23 p.m.The body is of a 50-year-old male.Lacerations and defensive wounds appear on both hands.What remains of the chest and torso indicates a frenzied attack.Subject has been almost entirely disembowled."Y/n reads aloud.

Thing taps something,but I was unfocused.

"This is curious.Subject's left foot is missing.It appears to have been chewed off at the ankle.Have you seen a left foot anywhere?"I ask Thing and y/n.

Thing finally gets my attention and tells me and y/n that someone is coming.

"Calm down.Who's coming?"I ask.

Me and y/n hear a door open and I motion to hide inside the body holders.

Y/n takes a deep breath before laying down.

She likes cold,but not this much cold.

"Appreciate you coming back to the office,Doc."Sheriff Galphin stated,making me pause in my thoughts.

"No problem sheriff.Whatever I can do to help.Whatever or whoever is responsible for these killings...In all my years,I've never seen injuries like them."I hear the doctor speak,being infatuated with everything.

"I thought you should see this before I issued my report on the latest victim.It's a real noodle scratcher.The killer cut off two toes from the victim's left foot.Best guess,they used a surgical saw."The doctor messed with something.

I wish I could see.

But i'm not having y/n exert herself in this cold (cold for her).

"Minute your done,send it straight to my desk.Media blackout on the toes."Sheriff instructed,leaving the room.

"Sure thing Sheriff."the doctor grabbed some paper.

The sheriff popped back in for a moment.

"Been a couple of busy weeks,huh?"Sheriff Galphin asked.

"At least i'm going out in style.Friday's my last day,"The doctor practically smiled.

I could hear his joy.

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