Chapter 17- Mistakes Were Made

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Tim awoke to the sound of chittering bats, and his sister poking his cheek, she usually woke him up like that when she was bored, which was a bit hypocritical if you asked Tim, one second she'd taking away his coffee and the other second she's waking him up? It just wasn't fair, fucking older siblings. He blinked and opened his eyes to see the roof of the cave above him, he could hear the murmurs of Bruce Dick, and Babs in a distance and the typing of a keyboard.

Tim groaned and slowly sat up, "How are you feeling?" Cass asked him, concerned. "My head hurts..." Tim muttered, "That is because you were concussed Master Tim. You were out like like a light." Alfred said walking over to the cot he was on with a glass of water.

Tim accepted it and looked over to where Bruce and Dick were talking to Barbara on video, "Did they get Hood?" He asked Cassandra turning back to her. She frowned and shook her head.
He looked down at his lap, memories of his fight with Red Hood coming back, he had not held back, he felt his broken nose with his hand, it was bandaged now.

"So this is the new Robin? Can't hold his own in a fight and just victim blames the two Robins before him?"

"Tsk tsk, Fighting Hood alone. What would Batman say?"

"What would Batman say?"

Tim closed his eyes and shook his head. "Hood was right Cassandra-"
"NO!" Cassandra exclaimed catching Bruce and Dick's attention. "Let me finish!" He said glaring at her, she scowled at him, Dick and Bruce walked over to them "What's going on here?" Bruce asked Alfred, "Tim said Hood was right!" Cassandra exclaimed indgantly. Bruce and Dick were taken aback "Tim-" "OH FOR FUCKS SAKE HEAR ME OUT BEFORE INTERRUPTING ME!"

"Language" Both Alfred and Bruce said at the same time, He rolled his eyes and took a deep breath for speaking. "As I was saying, Hood was right about me...being a bad Robin, I have been blaming Stephanie and Jason for their deaths that weren't even their fault, I don't know why Hood kept bringing them up but he was right, I haven't been a good Robin-"

Bruce held his hand up, "While it is true you haven't been respectful to Jason's and Stephanie's memories lately, I appreciate you acknowledging your mistakes, even if it took you getting a beatdown by a gun toting vigilante." 

Cass and Dick nodded while Barbara smirked.

The rest of the month went quietly, Tim and Cassandra visited Jason's and Stephanie's graves twice and exchanged stories about them with Dick, Alfred and Barbara. Bruce told them about how he had been late to pick Jason up from his first day at school and how Jason had walked home and had been eating a snack he made himself while Bruce was going crazy with worry because he thought he lost Jason. 

Alfred told them how Jason loved the theatre and wanted to join one himself, maybe that's why he was so dramatic all the time. He was the only one Alfred ever allowed in the kitchen, he was an amazing cook that put Bruce and Dick to shame. 

Dick shared his stories about Jason and him in the karoke, in the titans, stealing the Batmobile behind Bruce's back, all the fun stuff.

Cassandra and Tim told them about all the pranks that they had pulled on them with Steph, all the sleepovers they used to have. 

Over all it was nice remembering their fallen members, when they were alive, not in their deaths. 

Of course the Vigilantes in Crime Alley still posed a threat but they left each other alone nowadays, they wouldn't bother each other, no one was in the mood for another fight.

That all changed when Joker returned on March 1st however.

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