Chapter 20- Brothers

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Hood sighed, of course Nightwing was following him, granted the last two times they had met they fought but he couldn't just do what Babs told him for once huh? He was so close to Bristol too! "Hood! Wait!" Nightwing called out, well that was new, usually he'd just send Batarang towards him. He stopped on a rooftop and turned to look at Nightwing, he landed just five feet away from him.

Hood looked at Nightwing, really looked at him, when they had last had a proper conversation Dick had promised him that he'd take him out to their favourite karaoke after Bruce bought him his new car, back then he still donned that horrible costume that caused everyone in its vicinity to pour bleach on their eyes. After Drake became Robin Dick had gotten a better costume but a worse haircut, Jason had promptly burned the photo of Dick in that wretched outfit. 
Now though? He looked much better. 

"What the fuck do you want? Didn't Oracle tell you that we're supposed to be working together?" Hood said annoyed, he really didn't have any time to deal with his annoying older brother right now. Nightwing glared at him "Oh trust me I don't want to speak you to you either. But, I just came here to request something." That caught Hood off guard, request? What could he possibly want from him? 

"And what would that be?" Hood asked, Nightwing looked straight at him, "You already know that the Joker killed the second Robin, maybe that's why you went after him with Harley in the first place, I've heard you don't like people who hurt children." Hood crossed his arms  but didn't interrupt him. "The Robin he murdered? That was my baby brother" His voice shook and oh shit was he crying? Oh no no no if Batman saw him he'd kill him right then and there for making his golden boy cry. "I killed him, two years ago, he kidnapped Robin and brought him murdering my brother and I lost it-" Hood stood there, frozen in shock. NIghtwing. Batman's first Robin, the golden child, the example, mr perfect. Had killed Joker?

Nightwing continued "Batman brought him back. I don't know why he did it but he did, So I'm here to ask you, please. Just please make sure the Joker stays dead this time, I know I can't kill him but you don't have anything against killing so just make sure he doesn't come back." He finished. Hood stood there, frozen, this was too much to take in, why didn't Harley or mom bring this up? Did they even know? and most importantly, BRUCE HAD BROUGHT JOKER BACK? Oh he was going to suffer for this, when he was done with Joker, he was coming for him. 

"what the fuck...." Hood said in a low voice, Nightwing heard him and snorted, "Yeah, he killed his son and then he saves him. I don't think I'll ever understand why he did that." He shook his head, a pained smile on his face. Now Jason was at a crossroads, Barbara obviously didn't tell Dick who he was, Dick was the only person who had killed Joker, but if he revealed himself then his cover would be blown, but he couldn't let his brother live like this either.....ah fuck it he would deal with the consequence rather than let his brother live like this, no matter how annoying he was.

Hood's hands went up to his head and undid the latches of his helmet. Nightwing's jaw dropped as he watched Hood take off his helmet. He slowly removed it and held it with both hands as he lowered it to his stomach. He gave him his signature lopsided grin. "Hey Dickie!" He said with a cheery voice. Nightwing threw his escrima right at his forehead, knocking him backwards and on the ground. "Oh what the fuck why does everyone either faint or react violently- OGHF" he was cut off with Nightwing landing on his stomach. "HOW DARE YOU USE HIS FACE TO MAKE HIM LOOK LIKE RONALD MCDONALD!" Nightwing screamed. Jason coughed

"EXCUSE ME? I LOOK LIKE A HANDSOME PENNYWISE DICKHEAD!" Jason yelled back, earning himself a kick on the chest. "Shut up Hood." Nightwing hissed. He couldn't keep doing this, Harley and Frank were probably heading back to the house and if they weren't he would have to back them up, he'd need to get Dick off him somehow. "When we went to that train ride in Bludhaven- Bruce and I had a spat and we were hanging out together that day, you somehow got into a staring contest with a baby in front of you, the baby won and everyone laughed at you for the whole train ride-" He choked out a laugh, "I recorded the whole thing and sent it to the Titans and everyone else." 

Nightwing stood there frozen. Then slowly, very slowly, he lifted his left foot up and brought it down again on his chest, very quickly too. Then he got off, Jason started to sit up and Dick pulled him up by his collar and into a hug, squeezing him. "W-wh-what the fu-uck Jason?" Dick said in between sobs, "How..?" Dick asked, Jason shrugged, "Long story, involves grave digging, from my part, lazarus pitting, you know the usual zombie shit." Dick whimpered.
Jason gently patted his back as Dick buried himself in his chest, then Dick froze again, he buried his head, in his little brother's chest......oh hell no this little shit did not grow taller than him.

He pulled himself back, holding Jason at arm's length. Indeed he was looking up at Jason's blue eyes. He cupped Jason's face with his hands. Jason couldn't see Dick's eyes but he could feel the coldness coming from his older brother, "You" Dick began, his voice low on a level Jason had only heard while he was really pissed at someone, "Came back to life for who knows how long. DIdn't tell anyone, didn't come home, became the Red Hood and YOU PIECE OF SHIT YOU BECAME A FUCKLING TANK AND GREW TALLER THAN ME HOW DARE YOU!" He shook Jason's face rapidly as he yelled, Jason laughed loudly, yeah Dick was gonna kill him but he grew taller than him so who's the real winner here? "I'M BIG WING NOW BITCH!" Jason jeered, "NO!" NIghtwing yelled in horror.

He looked at Jason, "God, when those mobsters ambushed you...this is what happened?" Jason nodded with a grimace. Dick was shaking with anger but he pulled Jason in for a hug anyways, Jason enjoyed it for a couple of moments before huffing.

"Alright Dickhead get off, I have to get to Bristol." Jason said pulling himself out of Dick's octopus hug.
"Why are you- Oh. OH- ARE YOU?-"
"Yep" Jason said grinning.
Nightwing grinned back, "Wonderful I'll distract him while you do your business."
"Thanks Big bird"
"No problem little wing. Oh and try to cut back on the killing okay? I know you kill only criminals but still."
"I'll try." And with that he swung away.

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