Chapter II

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Can a person feel regret and resentment for someone they never knew? That's what the young Russian man felt for his new wife, despite showing him nothing that justified such emotions, he still decided she was the one to blame.

Not himself, for assuming things and mistrusting others. What can he say? It is his very own survival tactic. Blame the world for your sorrows and you will feel less guilty.

Alexi decided he had enough of this wedding¾of his wedding¾and needed to return to his work. He pulled his wife along the aisle she previously walked on and towards the black doors. Sophie held on to her husband with one hand and clutched her bouquet with the other. When she realized she had to give it away, she let go of Alexi and turned around towards the guests, who were very few for a mafia wedding. There was a higher ratio of men with guns to the ratio of normal looking guests. As normal as people connected with the mafia can look.

Sophie raised her hand above her head and was about to throw the flowers when her eyes caught on to a young girl with blonde hair who was trying to jump from behind all the older people to catch the bouquet. Slowly, a large smile formed on Sophie's face as she lowered her hands and walked towards the girl.

The bride extended her bouquet towards the girl who was hidden behind the taller guests. "Hello." The young girl's face beamed when she realized the bride was giving her the bouquet. She jumped on top of the other guests' chairs making her mother gasp.

"Is this for me?" The blonde looked like she was about to explode from joy. Sophie nodded and handed her the bouquet with a soft laugh. A cheer erupted from the crowd as the girl jumped in front of the older girls, flaunting the flowers.

A hand grasped Sophie's and tugged her away from the guests towards the door she came from. "Let's go." Alexi mumbled and a valet rushed to open his clearly expensive sports car. Sophie was not a car fanatic, but she knew this car could easily be sold for millions from how extravagant it looked.

"If you could stop gawking at my car and get in, that would be appreciated." The Russian Don all but snapped at his wife making her sigh softly and get inside the car. Alexi started the black beauty and her engine revved to life, and soon, the wedding hall was just a small dot in the rearview mirror.

An uncomfortable silence filled the car as Alexi drove, gripping the steering wheel like it held the secrets of the library of Alexandria. Sophia noticed the radio and decided that any sound is better than the suffocating silence they were in.

"Can I?" She spoke up, pointing at the closed radio. Alexi glanced towards where she was pointing and gave a slight nod. Sophie turned on the radio and classical music started playing. She had no clue what this piece was, but it sounded like elevator music. Turning her head to the side, she stared at the blurred objects outside the window and sent out one last prayer, hoping that this will all be in her head.

The black vehicles following them caught the young woman's eyes. She wondered what their purpose was following them and if there is any danger, they need protection from. Those very thoughts were voiced out by her. "Are the people following us your entourage?"

Alexi did not move an inch or even acknowledge Sophia. She understood that that meant a 'yes.' No matter how hard she tried not taking everything he does by heart, she could not help but feel a bit dejected. She did not know Alexi and that might be why his behavior seemed confusing. At least that's what she told herself.

Sophie leaned against the window as her eyes blinked for a moment longer than usual, and somehow when they opened again, the sky was darker in color and the car was slowing down. She just might have blinked for a bit too long. The scenery on the other side of the window opposed the once urban buildings that surrounded them. All you could see was masses of green fields and gated houses.

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