Chapter III

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A warm bath and an afternoon nap can do wonders.

Sophie's body felt so much better after she rested, her mind was cleared. As she hummed a soft tune, she could not help but think of what's going to happen to her. Will she be able to finish her bachelor's degree? Will her life turn out to be tragic? These thoughts swarmed around her head, so she decided it was time to help Eva around and take her mind off them.

Forgetting the path to the ground floor despite walking it that morning, she took two turns and three flights of stairs until she saw the next sign of life; a soldier stationed in front of a black wooden door. The new Donna approached him slowly, "Здравствуйте, сэр. Не могли бы вы сказать мне, где я могу найти кухню?" Sophie occasionally spoke Russian at home but now where else, as most of her interactions and studies were in English.

[Hello, sir. Could you tell me where I can find the kitchen?]

The soldier, who was completely clad in a black bullet proof uniform and an автомат Калашникова 1947 held against his chest. He bowed his head in respect before signing in sign language with one hand. "Извините, я не говорю русский язык жестов." The young woman took out her phone and opened the notepad app and passed him the phone to write down what he said.

[Automatic Kalashnikov (AK-47)] [Sorry, I do not speak Russian Sign Language.]

The soldier hesitated at first but then he started pressing on the touchpad, until he realized the phone cannot sense his gloved fingers. Sophie let out a small laugh as she gave him a pen that can write on the phone. The words he wrote spelled out 'В о з ь м и т е д в а л е в ы х п о в о р о т а х.' She thanked the guard and left, not knowing that he was guarding her husband's private office that no one should have gone near.

[Take two left turns.]

For the love of God, please let me find that cursed kitchen. Sophie groaned in her mind. She was close to losing her sanity over a room filled with spatulas and avocados. Miraculously, she found the food concocting room which was buzzing with women of all ages taking orders from their head maid, Eva.

"Hello! I am here to help." Sophie stepped inside the kitchen with a small wave. Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at their new Donna, then one by one, they bowed. Sophie sent a pleading look to Eva, who shook her head with a smile before anyone saw her. She was clearly trying to look strict in front of her workers.

"Welcome Donna. Do you have your recipes?" The older woman walked over to her.

"Yes, I want to make a beef Bourguignonne, shrimp butter, and some Italian bread to spread it on. Do you think we have enough time to make that?" The young woman inquired.

"For the Don's wife? We'll make a 5 Michelin star feast in an hour. Tell us where to start." All the women around the room nodded their head.

"Well, I can start with the shrimp butter and someone with experience in cooking Italian food can take the bread, the same thing with the French dish." Sophie walked over to the sink and started washing her hands as the cooks and maids scurried around to find their roles and the ingredients they needed.

It was a first for them to see a Donna cooking alongside them in the kitchen. None of them knew how to feel about it, but what Eva was sure of is that this woman, who was not involved in her father's dangerous world before, brought something with her when she came here. Something that they all needed. A little bit of joy.

"Wait!" Sophie yelled, making all the maids jump, startling even Eva. "There's something missing!" She put her hands on her face to conceal a gasp.

"What is it?" Eva looked around frantically. She could not disappoint her Don or Donna, especially on her first day here.

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