Chapter XXXVII

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The maze, although beautiful, was a place where horrors were created. It stretched across the field behind the Genovese mansion and its thick walls of grass reached massive heights. The maze was of an odd shape, it followed no pattern, and the tall walls made sunlight a scarcity.

In other words, there was no escape.

That was a sure thing seeing that there was no other side to the maze. An entry with no exit. It was an optical illusion that made anyone who was forced in it to run around aimlessly, grasping for a sign of escape, but finding none.

The word forced is vital in this context seeing that no sane person would enter the Genovese maze at thier own will. They were all completely forced to enter due to threats to thier life. Other times they were manipulated into thinking there was hope for them on the other side of the maze.

Unfortunately for these souls, death was the only way out.

The maze was not dubbed the labyrinth of death out of mere boredom. It was where the Genovese family played into thier sick fantasies and committed most of thier acts of cruelty. They played with the minds of thier victims and watched thier minds spiraling for their own entertainment and satisfaction.

The maze moves. even if a person was smart enough to find clues to keep track of a path they once took, the tiles in the maze move to throw them off. In addition to that, the sounds surrounding them which were completely artificial, generated by speakers hidden in the walls of the maze, elicited fear into the hearts of those vying for a way out.

The worst part of it all was the men inside.

With thier machetes and guns, they roamed the maze they studied like the tips of thier fingers, searching for their next victim to play with. They were the reason everyone's journey through the maze ends with death.

Well, 'everyone' did not include the wife candidates who played the games hosted by the family...but that was a story for another day.

The newest victim to the maze stood shivering, blood dripping onto the gravel beneath his feet. He was not tied or held down. He did not need to be after the session of torture he endured once he confessed his crimes. The same session Sophie watched.

Sebastian was approached by Roberto, who surprisingly granted him a chance at life...if he found the way out of the maze within a certain time period. He did not hesitate to agree.

However, as he looked up at the walls of the maze and the darkness that was awaiting him deep inside, he wondered if sitting in a cell, knowing that pain was near was a better option that venturing into something unknown. He could not be blamed as very few knew about the Genovese maze because not many lived to tell the tale and the family strongly believed in the omerta.

"Son." Roberto called out to his son, who robotically walked up to his father, his hands behind his back and his head held high. The boy was ten years of age. "This is your next test. Do not disappoint me." Roberto did not spare the boy a glance.

"Yes, papa." He replied almost instantly. It was a sign of respect towards his father, who was his Don before he was his parent.

"Do you see this man? He is weak. He is a traitor and an enemy to a friend to the Genovese family, Mr. Dimitri. He deserves death, and he will receive it at your hands. Am I clear?" The sick man ordered his son who agreed faster than he blinked.

He was wired that way and conditioned to become the way he was. The boy was only ten years old.

"Good." Was all that Roberto said before handing his son a pocketknife and turning away to leave, wanting to watch the spectacle from the balcony of his office where the view was much more expansive.

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