Chapter XXX - part I

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We wish for far more than we deserve, but that never stops us from wishing, does it? No, it doesnt, because when men like you wish for something as precious as forgiveness, the stars still listen.

So, fuck you and your stars, Alexi, because all they bestowed me with was hurt and sorrow while you were given the wonders of the world to rest at the tips of your fingers.

☆*:. 。... 。.:*☆

"What were you thinking! Did you not plan thoroughly?! How could you decide to follow a half-baked plan against the Russian fucking Don out of all people, for god's sake?!" The man yelled at his nephew, trying to understand when the greed for power and the hunger for revenge started rotting his brain.

Probably since the moment his mother died, and his father fed him lies. The man grimaced at the memory of his own brother. He wasnt a good man by any means, but his brother was morally black. He was sick in the head. His death was only bound to happen after he killed the Dimitris.

The very Russian they spoke of was sitting in a conference room not too far away with his soldiers surrounding the entire location, waiting for one thing.

Not a word from thier leader, or a movement. No.

They waited for one fucking sound. A simple bleep, so that they could annihilate anyone with ties to the French mafia from existence.

Soon after Sebastian and Alexi spoke outside the warehouse, the French Central Intelligence made thier presence known within the grounds as a mediator, leading both men to strive to finish this 'talk' as quickly as possible. Alexi awaits the unarmed presence of the French leader so that 'talk' could commence.

However, he was already quite occupied by the presence of his uncle, who oversees all of his legal affairs, which includes all interactions with the FCI. He was only recently told about Sebastian's actions and his grim plans to assassinate the Russian leader and break away from the union.

He wondered if Sebastián was on some sort of drug becuase whom in the right mind would initiate such a risky plan without any backups?

Sebastian would, thats for sure. He believed he was indestructible against his opponents, and he usually was. But even after he planted a spy within Alexi's ranks, he never managed to collect more information about the leader's statistics. He never knew what his manpower was or his defensive tactics, seeing that his sole focus was on framing Sophie Dimitri.

That was his plan until he realized that Alexi's response to such betrayal was not denying it and protecting his wife. In fact, he could not care less about what would happen to his wife. He would not even bother to confirm the information he received, and not that Sebastian knew, but it would be quite easy to discover that it was all a fucking ruse. His spy did not do a good job when it came to covering his tracks.

"How could I have known this would happen?! He was supposed to die in the explosion and his wife was meant to be used as a scape goat if he survived! Now that he doesnt give a fuck, she's useless and we're defenseless!" Sebastián groaned before clutching his head in his hands aggressively.

It shocked Sebastian that after Alexi and Sophie spoke in front of the warehouse, a moment of silence passed before shit hit the fan. Sophie found herself staring at the barrel of her husband's gun and praying that this was all some sort of act.

No, it wasnt. Because if it weren't for a distraction caused by members of the FCI, Alexi's shot would've pierced her head instead of the soldier holding her in place. The frustration on Alexi's face was a clear indication of his sincerity in wanting that bullet to go through her head in the first place.

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